
Tuesday 16 August 2016

MARS conjunct SATURN

American Liberal media is in meltdown over Trump being so successful. It reminds us of how the liberals responded to the leave voters after the referendum in the UK. This American election is far beyond the American MSM. Liberals don't seem to be able to win on either side of the pond, over 2 million people have viewed the 'Clinton Cash' documentary. The people of Haiti would like their goldmine back, and all the money that the Clinton foundation owes them. The Americans should seize all of the Clinton assets and investigate it fully. 

I read today, that American law makers have made a 'Donald Trump Act' law. And interesting that Serbians shouted, 'Vote For Trump', at Biden's visit. Steve says, that the 18th isn't a lunar eclipse and Mercury is going retrograde. However, it is listed as a lunar eclipse Steve, and it can be seen in Australia and the Americas. Its the last lunar eclipse of the Saros 109 series. The previous one was on the 8th August, 1998. That was a profound time for yours truly, as I was packing up everything to leave the UK for Australia. 

So that then supports what I had written earlier in the month, it is a time for shedding what people do not require. We certainly don't require Clinton in the white house and the disclosures made by Julian Assange in London, are shredding Clinton and her campaign. Include some Milo lava and we have America in an incredible whirlwind that is sweeping the country with Trump supporters.

Aquarian full moon on Thursday and a Saros 109 to boot. I will have to take a look at the 109 numeric in gematria. We know that it is on the 'Day of Endurance'. How much can Clinton endure of the Trump family success? At the end of the day, whatever happens, Trump will still have a great life. It just depends whether America would like to have a great life with him and his family.

109 is the hebrew gematria of 'Storehouse', and that links into the Malachi prophecy telling Jacob and Israel to bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there is food in my house. So it be interesting to see if there is anymore news from Jacob Rees-Mogg, for as Steve says, the Conservatives that voted leave are getting tetchy. 109 is also the gematria of 'to eat' so keep an eye on food prices. I managed to get some more gala apples for ten pence, apples keep on being reduced.

I had a lovely apply curry, and I'm thinking of making an curried apple soup next.

Bill shares with us 109, is a 29th prime number and 29 is 'Grace Under Pressure' that is certainly true. The last time we had a saros 109, I was under pressure to get everything done in time, and I did have some help from a French client who arrived to help me to pack. I think of her sometimes, and wonder how she is. We met her at Alexandra Palace in London at the Healing Arts exhibition, the weekend of Diana's funeral.

Surprise, surprise, 109 is the gematria of Magdalena, and I have a strong connection with the Mary Magdalen church, in London. A wedding and a funeral.

I do require some help at home, and keep on asking my son to come and help me get things sorted out. Young healthy men should help their mothers, what are sons for? Big smiles.

109 is also to 'Be Bright', and Steve is certainly bright in his videos above. He looks like a gala apple.

Funny, 109 is the gematria of MILO and I had a dream of MILO, keep that young man close people.

Immigrant Dream

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