
Tuesday 16 August 2016

Dalian Atkinson RIP

Police at it again, 48 year old, ex-Aston Villa football player 'tasered to death.' He went into cardiac arrest after being tasered by police. Another case for the IPCC. The impact of what the police do to people and their lives. I had a splitting headache yesterday, and headaches are rare in my reality.

Dalian was born in Shropshire, and began his football career at Ipswich in Suffolk during the 80's.

His profile shares with us that he had some serious health issues, heart and kidney. You would think that the police would've known that, due to him being a prominent local figure.

Condolences to the family and friends of Dalian Atkinson, a talented sportsman in the history of football and sport. In the scripture it is written that Jesus warned about the 'arrests' in this timeline.

The 15th of August was the 'Day of Royal Command' and he was born on the 21st March, an Aries sun sign born on the 'Day of Clarity'. Dalian was born in 1968, and his soul journey was north node Aries too. He was certainly a ram of a footballer until he had to retire. He was at his dad's house when the police turned up, its reported on his profile that he was 'angry' with his dad, due to what his dad had done to his siblings.

As we know scientifically, 'Anger' is the biggest predictor of heart disease. One of the Reiki healing principles is 'Just for today do not anger'. You also find it in the milk of the Christ teachings.

May Dalian rest in peace now, and be embraced in the halls of healing, may he be covered in feathers and rose buds. May his next life on the planet be a bed of roses, and feathers, as the north node Aries is the beginning of a cycle of 12 lifetimes. Again, the weakness of the police has been shown to the people, this time by a man of sport. 'The earth will disclose the blood shed on it, the earth will conceal its slain no longer'. Isaiah 26:1

May the LORD bless him with his healing love, may Dalian go to the light of the healing halls for the healing of his soul.

May his soul soar with the Aquarian Lunar Eclipse on the 18th of August, the 'Day of Endurance', as  Dalian Atkinson endured so much.

Angels of Colour 

May the children of our country be patient in endurance, in the power of love, you will overcome.

May you be blessed with the patience of the saints.

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