
Tuesday 2 August 2016

Mars in Sagittarius

Leo new Moon and Mars in Sagittarius, and I have my ascendent sign in Sagittarius the traveller. Mars is leaving Scorpio, so we will see less battle of the sexes due to the sexuality of the sign and more unity in relationships.

With Mars in Sagittarius I would certainly be keeping my eye on anything to do with transport and travelling, the EURO tunnel being included in that. Especially, airports, train stations, bus stations etc. Roadworks, infrastructure to do with transportation, anything to do with transport.

With the Leo new moon it also includes a lot of theatre, and interesting that Obama's daughter was being featured today in the social networks, and Milo is on Sky news. Broadening his audience in the UK where he grew up.

2nd of August, is the 'Day of Versatility', so the question is how versatile are you, are you as versatile as an actor in the theatre, can you put yourself in the shoes of others, can you be a different character than you were before? Are you a versatile writer? How versatile are you in your subject matter?

Where will your attention be focused? My attention has really been focussed on human rights. Rights to Food and the biblical prophecies that pertain to it. Rights to Privacy, and what Liberty in London are doing about it. Mars can be fiery, and combined with Sagittarius we have double fire. Jacob is the fire, Joseph is the flame, particularly for the UK.

2nd of the 8th month, 2/8 = 16 and that numeric links into Rev 16, politics, France and the frogs, will surely be in the news again. No surprise then that Haiti was taken over by France during its history, and the Haitians have risen up against Clinton.

2nd August, 2016 gives us a 289 numeric. 2+8+9 = 19, 1+9 = 10, new cycle of time and there is a lot going on in the UK with Julian Assange -v- Hilary Clinton releasing even more emails about her intervention in Libya. Interesting that Clinton went over the heads of the Pentagon, when she was warned not to do what she was planning to do to Libya.

The Pentagon knew what the outcome would be. Evidence is being shown that her objective was to get weapons to Syria and the king of Jordan did a BBC interview sharing that the Arab league had decided to take out Assad. It wasn't any surprise to us because Nostradamus had foretold that the West would take out seven Islamic leaders on the order of Islam. The oil in your cars costs the West a lot doesn't it, even immigration.

Hence, Muslims from Afghanistan and Pakistan have been demanding to know why the border with Hungary/Serbia is locked. Jesus did speak of the doors being locked in July. However, this is what Steve Judd has to say about August and the planetary configurations. He does mention France and the recent Islamic activity in that country.

Versatile is an interesting word isn't it, how versatile are you?

Can you look at world events and then cross-reference those events with biblical prophecies? Can you look at the prophecies of Nostradamus and see how they align with planetary events? Are you willing to be versatile and look at ancient texts and what relates to alchemy? Are you as versatile as the dolphin that can leap for joy, from the ocean of emotion? The most recent painting shows us that there will be a lot of leaping for these three months, August, September, October and Steve shares with us that there is an eclipse coming in September.

Are you versatile enough to travel through the heavens and ascend as you go? Are you a messenger and what versatile message shall you give to humanity, to your family and friends in this timeline?

Where will your focus and attention be? For many Americans their focus is on the presidential election, and I am seeing the republicans being a lot more versatile than the Liberal Democrats who still have to catch up with the fact that life has changed in more ways than they thought possible.

The last thing that the Liberal Democrats should've done is try to close down the human rights of freedom of speech. Sagittarius, half man, half horse with the bow and arrow, combined with Mars, strong and powerful energy then and plenty of equine. That then reminds me of the Equine dreams and the Epsom Derby timeline and what happened after it earlier in the year. People in the spiritual community have not forgotten what was written and when.

Are you versatile enough to see how some of your dreams pertain to world events? Are you versatile enough to comprehend the spiritual symbology, and interpret your dreams?

I think we can anticipate some news from the horse racing community, and the stars of the tracks, its a sporty time and Sagi's like sports, remembering that it is the Olympics in Rio too. I see a lot of messages being passed on at the Olympics, its going to be quite a show.

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