
Monday 1 August 2016

Good OIL Recipes

Yesterday I boiled my basmati rice in turmeric and today, I am having some with my chicken thighs.

I've cooked three chicken thighs in HEMP Good Oil, two large cloves of garlic sliced, and half a red onion sliced. When the chicken was cooked through, I put the turmeric basmati rice into the pan with the chicken, garlic, good oil, and onions. Keep stirring, as the rice soaks up the good oil, and fat from the chicken.  I then added some sultanas and desiccated coconut to the rice. Delicious, another turmeric recipe for you, this time with hemp oil. Hemp oil has a nutty flavour to it, a great British oil guys and girls, hemp, home grown in England.

What else is happening? Milo is on Business Insider UK with the technology editor, James Cook. The 1st August, is the 'Day of Style'.

I think that Trump is keeping Twitter busy, his wife said that she wished he would leave it. However, Donald is having fun, I think he should've been a comedian. He's certainly on it with the dialogue. I never joined Twitter or Facebook, just didn't get a good feeling about those platforms. Its always important to listen to your intuition.

Back to the oil, remember what Elijah and Jesus said, make sure you've got plenty of oil. What other oil have I had in the last week? I managed to get some BERGAMOT for massaging my body.

Wonderful, truly wonderful. Bergamot was given divinely for post-operative procedure and its good for legs and feet. Oils for healing inside, and oils for healing outside. Make sure that you've got plenty of oils. Since the weekend I've just felt like sleeping, healing and resting. Time out.

I could also smell make-up while writing a blog post today, mum wore make-up, a foundation. She gives confirmation, and letting me know that she is around. The spiritual foundation that she gave when I was in my youth, when she introduced me to the healers and clairvoyants at the Spiritualist Church in London. Its eleven years this year since she passed over. Where have all of the years gone, time as gone so fast.

Yesterday while painting, a large Hebrew letter appeared before me in white, in that room she slept, the last time that she came to my home. Originally it was decorated for her, and it became my lavender healing room. Now it is white.

LILY, the White Lily.

It is written that the Lily was passed from the Jewish people to the Christians. Interesting then that when I was sent to Israel after her passing. I gave a lovely Israeli family, the Lily of Peace flower in 2006. My heart compelled me to do so.

Her link with David, as written in the scriptures.


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