
Monday 1 August 2016

Human Right to Privacy

'The right to a private life is based on principles of human dignity and is inherently linked to many other rights such as equal treatment and free expression. A society that does not pay proper regard to personal privacy is one where dignity, autonomy and trust are fatally undermined'. 

"Liberty has filed a claim against the British security services for their role in PRISM and Tempora. Liberty wrote that they will be lobbying and campaigning for urgent amendment to the outdated laws governing surveillance and an end to blanket surveillance of the population". 

Liberty in London have been on it with the Human Right to Privacy. For more in formation read the link. 

What else? We have a British government that has given the medical and dental records of our people to a foreign corporation Capita. What is that? "Treason", Theresa May! 

We also have DWP that has contracted a foreign corporation with the name of Maximus Inc, another American corporation that sanctions our people. Is it any wonder that the trust of the British people has been 'fatally undermined"? 

When the British corporation impacts upon your dignity and your privacy, the British government is in contravention of human rights law. It really is time that the human rights lawyers defend our people from DWP in a much bigger way than previously. The UN have sent reporters twice to investigate what has been going on in the UK to the 'Disabled', Cameron was told quite clearly, to stop what he was doing to the people with his 'Austerity' measures.

Also two judges in British courts have stood against the 'Bedroom Tax'. The bedroom tax is actually a 'Discrimination Tax', due to being a 'discriminatory' tax on people that live in social housing. It isn't applicable to people that live in private housing, only social housing, as such, the tax is 'discrimination' against the poorest of our nation.

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