
Monday 1 August 2016

Sweden "Don't Touch Me"

Last week a large older woman and I collided in the street, in such circumstances usually both people apologise. I did apologise immediately, as it is natural for me to do so. It was also a natural reflex to touch her arm gently, reassuringly, and comforting, because the woman was in my space.

However, the woman towered above me, and started screaming 'Don't Touch Me', she then told me how lucky I was that she didn't hit me. I just looked at her with a neutral peaceful face and wondered what was going on with her, what planet was she on. I have a small frame just 5'2" and the other woman was at least 7-8 inches taller than I.

I was clearly 'no threat' to her, but she triggered intentionally, and what appeared to be on purpose. She knew what she was saying, and why she was saying it; because she took a good look at my small size prior to deciding what she was going to say after her initial words.

The woman reminded me of the typical 'bully' in the school playground, whereby they purposefully pick on someone smaller than themselves. On reflection she was most probably from the LGBT community.

Today, I noticed that in Sweden the police are handing out 'Don't Touch Me' wristbands to the LGBT community, so maybe that is where she got the saying from.

If and when you are faced with verbal 'volatility', just stay in your peace, stand your ground,  and then walk away from it when it is 'defused' in your peaceful energy.

'Volatile' people thrive on a 'volatile' reaction, don't give them a reaction for their 'volatility' to thrive in your reality. Sadly, there is a lot of 'volatility' that manifests 'domestic violence', in the LGBT community against each other, particularly among the women in America that has a high incidence of 'bullying'. The medical profession are aware that consistent 'anger' is known to be a sign of a heart condition or another 'illness', and America have the highest incidence of 'heart disease' in the world.

The best thing those people can do is step on the path of healing. 

The PC Brigade as we used to call them in the UK, have also made sure that Milo's speech in Sweden  was cancelled. The so-called Liberal Left have been doing their utmost to close down freedom of speech. The Liberal Left have also supported Muslims to close down freedom of speech, and I have always defended freedom of speech. Zion defends.

People should be able to share facts, and people should be mature enough to have a discussion peacefully, as dialog is important when people are peaceful enough to consider what is being said and the reason why. 

What last week showed me was that what people are holding inside is spilling out onto the streets; and that is why I am making this post about it, so that you may be aware that some people are 'fractious'. The more 'angry' people are getting, the more they are taking it out on others; and I have witnessed it in more than one reality. Its quite 'shocking' sometimes what comes out of people's mouths, and I tend to raise my eyebrows when that happens. As it shows me what they hold within themselves. 

Apostle James spoke of the importance of having a tight rein on your tongue, as one of the healers, he understood the teachings about the art of communication and what Jesus taught. Jesus was teaching the spiritual law to help the people with their health and to elevate their being by asking them to seek within. However, people have to be willing to comprehend the importance of the word, and its relationship to their health.

Words are like an Obsidian scalpel, the word can remove what has to be removed from your life, the word can also help you to heal if and when you are kind and merciful to self. If and when people are willing to seek within, this is what Jesus taught and what Apostle Thomas also shared.  First people may become 'troubled', although afterwards, they can become astonished at how wonderful they feel.

Clients used to say to me its like the light as gone on for the very first time. Like a switch had been turned on, and suddenly the light filled the room of their lives. After two days on a Reiki training healing course, it was wonderful to see how lighter people felt, and how joyous they were, like dolphins leaping for joy beyond the ocean of emotion.

Many of those people were willing to go to the depths and breadths of their being to find the immense love. The love that helps you to retain your peacefulness. People have so much treasure within, when people have the willingness to locate it. I was fortunate that when I was young my mother took me to meet healers and clairvoyants in the spiritualist church, I think my mother viewed it as a defence mechanism for the feminine.

My mother was a natural clairvoyant, and so was her mother Sophia, although they didn't put any effort into developing it and their mysticism, they wished to retain their human life. That is probably due to the fact that they would've had different north nodes and pre-destination to myself.

Different journeys manifested different realities, although my mother loved to receive hands-on healing. She loved to receive healing oils, crystals, essences, and anything that was a spiritual gift.

She loved the comfort and peacefulness that it gave her. I think she was very happy that my life took a turn for the better, and she enjoyed visiting me in the 90's, while I was working at the exhibitions helping other souls that were brought for healing. My new journey gave her something else to think about after dad passed over. After mum passed over, I was also given something else to think about, Israel. Exactly, as Prophet Ezekiel had foretold.

During my life, I have met and worked with female healers from the LGBT community, some were wonderfully peaceful, and some were not. Peace of mind is worth working towards, for "enlightenment springs from the well of peace".

Mind is in every cell of the body, and every cell has a mind of its own. Cells in your body live in a community of cells, they can live peacefully or not. It is your choice, healing is a lifestyle choice, although it can also be chosen pre-destination.

Once you make that choice with serious intentions, and when you integrate the healing homework, love is the path of no return to the previous way of living your life. Your life takes on a new life, a fresh start, a new beginning when a person allows it to be. This is a lovely song.

After I made this post I could smell make-up, and my mother wore foundation make-up on her face. 

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