
Tuesday 2 August 2016


Jupiter moving from Leo to Virgo on the 11th August, 2016. Jupiter planet of expansion. Before Ronnie passed over he gave some lovely videos to explain to some of the youngsters. In this video he explains that his grandpa smoked tobacco until he was in his 90's and passed over peacefully.

Interesting then that that one of my great-great grandpa's was a cigar maker on dad's side, and he had a kiosk in Shaftesbury Avenue where I began my very first job. Smoking is also mentioned in the scrolls that were translated by Geza Vermes.

No smoking bans are in contravention of the people's human rights. As such, there should be eateries and pubs that are for smokers. If non-smokers wish to go there then that is their choice to do so.

In the video about the Jupiter transit, he says that I am protected by Saturn the teacher, and that it will restrain Jupiters impact upon my moon in gemini. However, the wondrous woman from heaven also has the moon under her feet and Rev 12 was completed in December 2008, it also overlapped with the Micah 4 timeline. Micah 4 does mention America and also the passing of a king. Someone that I cared deeply about.

This video shares how this transit can impact on your different moon signs. Although its not a time for my expansion, and certainly a concentration on home, self and that which impacts upon the health of the self.

He appears to think that my restraining will be removed early in 2017, and I wrote about the restraining initiation in July. Have you ever had a foot strain or a back strain? Do you strain your body by jogging or in the gym? How far do you walk and what strain is your body experiencing that maybe you cannot feel, until the time comes for you to feel it?

Its important that people comprehend the body and its nervous system, and I have an appointment with the neurologist next. Did you give birth, how did it impact upon your body and nerves, did your baby lay on your nerves so that you couldn't walk? Did the hospital and midwives come to your rescue, or was you dependent on a neighbour to help you?

Where you operated upon near the base of your spine? How many operations did you have that impacted upon your nervous system? What do you know about your body, what it has experienced, and what impact the medics had upon it?

2017 is a ten year and a new cycle of time. No surprise then that I will be in a nine year in my life cycle, a year of completion of a nine year journey that I have been on with the Americans.

11th August, is the 'Day of Validation' so what will you validate? Will you validate yourselves, or will you look to others to validate you? Do you require help with your validation or do you require a degree to prove something to you, about your abilities and what you can expand upon?

Milos was another one that dropped out of university.  Clearly this transit will impact upon academia and education. What it does and how it does it, I also see it impacting on social justice for the people due to governments that signed up for human rights with the UN, having to implement those human rights. Humanity cannot progress unless those human rights are given and it does include freedom of speech.

People have to be given the financial ability to live, people have the human rights to a home and food.

11 is a numeric of duality, so maybe you would like to look at that. Keep an eye on Egypt as that numeric links into Egypt and what happened in 2011. However, it was a positive in many ways, as it was also the year of 444 and perfected love. When Jesus said that we were moving into awesomeness. The Egyptian women stood against Obama, and the American corporations, they knew what was going on.

It was the year of uprising in the UK too, when the children set fire to the UK, and it began in little Israel in north London. No surprise then that a lot is going on with Jeremy Corbyn as he also lives in north London. What happened in the UK at that time was also written in the biblical prophecies.

Jacob is the fire and Joseph is the flame. Interesting that Jacob is one of the top boys names being chosen in the UK. Although I like the chosen girls names more than the names of the boys.

The name Jacob is mentioned in the Elijah prophecy timeline in respect of the right to food and the tithes that the LORD says must be brought in to this house, the home of his Spirit of Grace and supplication. Was your voice recorded with a prayer to help people with their healing? Did you deliver the meditation of the heart as the biblical prophecies foretold?

Interesting then that food is delivered to the door in this timeline. Even food from the supermarkets. Also the book of Revelation foretold that the time would come when I would no longer go out, hence the recluse.

Not surprising really is it when I do go out, I find myself being 'threatened' by a woman that said that she would 'hit' me. That happened last week, an woman older, and a lot bigger than myself. The energy of my light body certainly triggers people, as I stand in my peacefulness, quietly.

I remember when one of my students said that he could feel this light of love all over our location.

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