
Saturday 27 August 2016

Little Coate Crop Circle

Nursteed Crop Circle reported on the 17th August, 2016. I see the CND symbol in the crop circle, a good one for Jeremy Corbyn and those that stand for a nuclear free world. I see six hearts in the close up of crop circle, and a hexagon that is also seen on Saturn. It does indicate planetary involvement in what happens. I see the numeric of 13 with the six inner circles, and the six outer circles with the symbol.

The location is also important, 'Little Coate'. That's a message. Reported on the 17th August, 2016, and that was the 'Day of Power' that also links into the numeric of 13 that is to do with power and dominion.

Richard Branson has been triggering over Jeremy Corbyn and his denationalisation plans for the trains. That was in the news after this crop circle came to be. As we know, Richard Branson supported Tony Blair, that took our country into war. Tony Blair should be 'Locked Up' with Obama and the Clintons for 'Crimes Against Humanity'.

What is the big coat talking about? Russell Brand is talking about 'Transformation of self' and whether he is qualified to talk about transformation'. They've even 'Hijacked' that, with their 'Sustainable Transformation Plans' to sell off the public assets of the people throughout the UK.

Maybe Russell, can stop siting back on his laurels and get on with what is a priority to address, the national healthcare, the NHS. Otherwise, there won't be an NHS, at the speed that they are privatising it to suit the American corporatism. They're pushing it through prior to Brexit and signing off their plans in October, and there has been no public discussion on what they're planning to do to the NHS.

Biblical prophecies and the Zayin.

What is our little coate up to, Jonathan Pie is on it.

Definitely, not Jonathan. Put the nurses first.

What has Nigel been up to? He's been supporting the campaign at a bi-election in Ramsgate.

Diane James launched her leadership of UKIP, the MEP with a career background in health.

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