
Sunday 28 August 2016

Cambridge Union - Julian Assange

In this video, Julian Assange speaks to the Cambridge Union and after he explains how we got to where we are now. He hands it over to the Cambridge Union to ask questions. During the questions, Assange spills the beans and shares that Sony tried to impact upon the outcome of the referendum and David Cameron, with the power of its foreign investment. 

The bigger the foreign financial investment, the more that they put the pressure on politicians in the UK to impact upon the direction that our nation goes in. 

If they're willing to put that amount of pressure onto a prime minister of a different country, just think about the pressure that singers and musicians are put under. It includes the film industry too. 

I think that it's important to share that in the UK, a democracy, whereby the people have had the vote, and in so doing their freedom of speech only came into existence with the Labour party.

Julian Assange shares that they've been trying to put freedom of speech back in the bottle, to stop it and we saw that with Corbyn's supporters too after the referendum. How they physically tried to stop an elderly woman from holding up a banner.

Remember it was in 2010, when Hilary Clinton said, 'America is losing the information war'. We know that Clinton created a Liberal Democrat internet army, and we know how they operated on the internet to try to stop freedom of speech. We saw it with our own eyes. 

They even invented elaborate plans that were 'exposed' for everyone to see. When presented with facts, they would 'attack' the character of the person sharing the facts, instead of engaging in discussing the facts. They are still doing it in the social networks when anything about Clinton is posted. It was the same during the presidential campaign for Obama, I noticed that a Liberal news agency and its members wouldn't share the facts about Obama. They were basically, closing down freedom of speech and the memberships right to information. 

Assange shares more about that and how the UK political leaders have to be 'Pro-American Regime'. In the same way, Obama had the audacity to come to the UK and tell the British people how to vote in the referendum. When it is nothing to do with Obama. 

Assange says the relationship between the UK and the USA is 'ridiculous' and explains the reasons why. So for instance, have you ever heard any British politicians call out an American president for American actions? Have you ever heard them call out the American corporations in parliament?

Do they ever discuss Monsanto and the other American corporatism? Or are they doing what America says by privatising our NHS to make way for TTP? The latest NHS plan is STP's, 'Sustainable Transformation Plans', and that means they are selling off public assets without any consultation with the people that work in the NHS, or with the people that the NHS serves. 

Julian was questioned about what happened in Sweden, and he responded that 'No crime as been committed in Sweden', Julian was cleared in Sweden of any case against him. It was the police that came up with the case, and the women said that it was police, they never made any complaint about Julian Assange. 

Julian shares that it is very difficult to get funding in the UK to have an organisation or platform to share the truth due to the existing infrastructures. In comparison in that context, it is easier in America to obtain funding for sharing, freedom of speech. 

After the Cambridge Union invited Julian to speak, they voted for the first time in 200 years and it was decided to allow Assange to speak. In 2011, there was no question whether Julian should be allowed to speak. He thinks it was a good precedent, that it was questioned, then they agreed to it with a popular vote, as it showed there was strong support for what he had to say.

Cambridge Union decided that Julian Assange was in a unique position. Julian responded that some factions in the UK view Julian as a 'Prestige Threat' to the 'establishment'. 

This is a prime example of what the Clinton Liberals do, with their 'character assassinations', they've been going after Stephen Bannon, the newly appointed campaign chief for the Trump presidential campaign.

What does Steve's private life have to do with his work life, and a presidential campaign for someone else? Why would anyone even be interested in it?

Stephen Bannon isn't running for President of America, Trump is. Yet, they have the audacity to investigate Steve, his ex-wife, and children to try to impact upon the Trump campaign and voters.  That's American Clinton politics for you, Clinton has made it clear that she would like to close down Breitbart news site if she won the election. In fact, Clinton would close down freedom of speech altogether if she could.

In fact, it was Julian Assange that shared with us that governments are not adhering to the UN Privacy laws, and they have basically, buried those privacy laws. People are entitled to have a private life. The only time the life of a person comes under scrutiny is if and when they take public office that is paid for by the public purse. As in a current or a person running for President.

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