
Sunday 28 August 2016


I spoke to a young man today, he was in his 20's, he had no interest in the UK, his soul was attracted to Greece, the Greek Islands, Italy and Australia. I'm sure that he would find that in his planetary astrocartography chart, and also in his past lives.

I recommended that he chose Australia as a location to live in, as he has family for support in that location. However, I understand why our children are so drawn towards our own historic cultures, they are unique, and so beautiful. How can American corporatism ever appreciate such beauty and historic culture like this? How could they ever appreciate how important these historic European cultures are to the people that have lived amongst them?

I also saw three blackbirds and a dove today, four birds, and the wingspan of the blackbirds was huge.  As we know both the ravens and the doves were to do with Noah, although the ravens also fed Elijah. 

We have a total solar eclipse coming on the 1st of September, and that is on the 'Day of no nonsense'. Interesting that MEP, Diane James is going for leadership of UKIP, and she has a background in health.

Health is a major focus, and priority in the UK at this time, due to the STP's, and how that impacts on the assets of the people of the nation. Basically, the Conservative politicians in the UK are selling off the countries assets, lands, and natural resources and the 20 year olds, are not even interested in what is happening to their country. 

They're ambitions are beyond the UK.  Would 20 year olds even care if they knew that Sony tried to bring pressure to bear upon Cameron and the referendum in the UK? That Sony tried to impact on the vote of the people and its direction? Boycott Sony, and support Julian Assange who shares the truth about Sony.

This painting was done for America, although afterwards I could see that it was Prince and his purple rain. He also wrote a song for Donald Trump decades ago, so I can see the connections with now.

Donald Trump inspired that young man so much, he wrote a song to honour his advice and counsel.

That is a powerful legacy. 

Barbara lives in Greece and she has provided a video on the forthcoming solar eclipse with music.

Her painting also has a lot of purple rays in it for this solar eclipse. The total solar eclipse is on the 1st of September, 2016. In numerics that is the 'Day of the no nonsense'.

I am not an illustrator, so please take that into account when you look at my paintings. I do my best and just let it flow. The Zayin that appeared before me was in cream stonework. No surprise then that Prince also brought out a song called, CREAM. 

It's no coincidence that I have appointments with the hospital either side of this eclipse. Also that a ZAYIN appeared on my wall of salvation on my right side. A space where there are two charts, one chart of what the NHS did since birth, past tense, and a chart of essentials, present tense.

In the chart that this woman is showing you in this video, there is a T Square, and Barbara mentions the 10th of September associated with that, the 10th of September in numerics is the 'Day of Private Goal', and I will be the other side of surgery when the 10th comes to be. 

She also mentions the 22nd September and how mercury will be retrograde until then. The 22nd of September is the 'Day of Restless Drive', so I do see this impacting upon transportation in all of its forms. No surprise then that Richard Branson has already been in the news in response to Jeremy Corbyn and his plans to renationalise the trains in the UK.

22 is also a master number of leadership and charity, so we can see that a lot more positivity will manifest towards the end of September when the mercury is moving forward again. Milo has strong gemini energy, so mercury as a big impact upon that young man and his lava. Gemini is also powerful for communications, and I can see that communications is a major issue right now in America. 

My advice to Trump is that he has to get Ron Paul on board, and in the last dream that I had of Ron Paul he was in private practice. Ron Paul has a career background in health, and health is a priority right now due to its impact upon the wealth of a nation. 

There is a lot of purple rain in Barbara's painting and also in mine, although I really should do a painting for this forthcoming eclipse. As I am feeling the turquoise energies that Barbara is wearing in her video. The turquoise of transformation is to do with the thymus, and that is powerful for Greece right now. 

With mercury retrograde you can anticipate that transportation will be impacted upon in all of its forms. Technology and transportation, transportation that impacts upon technology, and technology that impacts upon transportation. The more that they robbed Elijah, the more that they are being robbed. It is the spiritual law of giving and receiving. Prophet Isaiah foretold that only one in a thousand would be able to stand before Joseph in integrity. 

Did you know that Americans have trillions in their pension accounts, how those people didn't help their own people or anyone else. Michael was the most 'furious Lion' and he was 'furious. with those so called American Christians. 

All he was asking is that they live up to the essentials, the true principles of Christianity, or shut up shop.

Michael, the scholar, the university lecturer, and veteran (who had been born in South Africa) had been dead for three weeks before anyone found him, in his American home;  his services were cut off, and he had no food. Could Michael forgive Christian America? Michael knew that Americans were not living up to the standard, as the quality of the standard had been raised. Michael knew in his heart, that charity was the greatest commandment, compelled by love and it's light thereof.

Communication is so important, how do people choose to communicate? How healthy is their communication? Hence why Breitbart has been in the news in America. How much of the Milo lava will turn into the most beautiful spheres? My advice, keep focussed on health that is the greatest wealth. I think that Milo knows the truth in his heart, and he is also aware of the power of the stage and how to impact upon it. 

David Bowie was a culture icon that opened it up, Milo is in a similar vein of truth. I also see Stephen Bannon as a stabilising influence on the Trump campaigners. An American that put his own career aside to help others to help Americans that stand for truth. A man that put his own life on the front line. Remember this that they made scalpels out of obsidian. 

Many people are giving their lives to help humanity, and Julian Assange and the journalists that support him are clear indications of that. Journalists that are willing to put their own lives on the line for justice for humanity. 

In the paintings for this eclipse, Barbara included the purple. and we can find that in the purple dew of Buddhism, of Reiki healing, in Judaism, and the biblical prophecies. Absolutely related to the Jewish people, in defence of our own. 

In the Virgo we have the perfection, and it was during the Rev 12 timeline that we were given the divine teachings on how to perfect our communications. The teachings that were shared with the spiritual community to help them with the cure for what ails humanity, prior to what was coming upon it, due to what people were choosing to and not embrace.

My Venus is in Pisces and it does impact upon my work life, how I am a perfectionist in what I do, and whatever I do, for others. In this case, in this timeline, what I do in divine will for the heavenly Father. In my home life, I am different, I am very laid back, and very easy going.

So things like housework doesn't bother me, nothing really bothers me at home. I just go with the flow. Living with me is easy, working with me is different, due to the high standards. Hence, I am strict with our national health care operatives, I ask for the best service that they can offer.

I was strict with my students that were training in healing, as I was teaching them the power of spiritual discipline. You have to have self-discipline to work with Spirit, only then can you be involved in the manifestation of miracles. 

In 2004, it is was an environmental SOS, it is now a health SOS. A health solar eclipse.

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