
Saturday 27 August 2016

King of Glory - Psalm 24

Psalm 24 is an interesting Psalm as it mentions Jacob, and in a different prophecy, Jacob is the fire and Joseph is the flame. He makes his winds messengers of love, and his flames of fire his staff.

Some might ask what is glory? When Israeli's saw a photograph that I sent them in 2007, the response in one word from Israel was 'Glory'. The Israeli Anat,  and what does it say about Anat? "Her liver swells with laughter, her heart is filled with joy, Anat's liver with victory'. It is written that in Hebrew, the word for both 'heavy' and 'liver' is Kaved. It signifies the honour that was given to Jerusalem and Israel.

The honour was also given to Anat, as she was the woman that first contacted me when I wrote to Israel to let them know that I was coming in May 2006. Lovely Anat, picked me up from the airport in the middle of the night and drove me to her home, were we talked, and then I slept, and rested after the journey. She continued to support the mission to Israel, she knew that it was divine intervention and divine providence.

Psalm 24, 'The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell within. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart'.

The Israeli musician that was on the mission with me in Jerusalem in 2007, shared that he was a son of Jacob, surely it was the timeline.

It was defined by the Jewish prophets in the mystical teachings, the importance of going to Israel and it was foretold by Prophet Ezekiel that it would come to be after the second passing and that happened in my life in 2005. Sometimes I wonder if my parents knew in their hearts, that their firstborn would be sent to Israel after they passed over.

Hebrew for Christians website claim that the Jewish people knew that they would have to wait 2,000 years. As it is written on their website that a heavenly message was received by them, 'Not longer than two days, my children'. In Judaism a day can be a 1,000 years. As such, it was interpreted as 2,000 years. Hence, it is wonderful that Israel exists and is a country again, and how so many of us defend the right of Israel to exist. Always in our hearts, really, you have to walk upon the land, to really appreciate what Israel means to the world and to your heart.

The ancient footsteps, the ancient gates. The sheer depth of history and love compelled in mercy at the golden gate. The Spirit of Grace and Supplication was certainly poured out upon Jerusalem, in Israel. Zechariah 12.

9th September, 2007. 

Hebrew for Christians,  states that 'God creates the cure before the plague'. Just as Joseph was sent to Egypt to prepare the people before the famine. So too, this flame of Joseph was sent to Israel prior to the war and the fire coming upon it. In 2000, I knew that there was a potential war coming, I shared with spiritual people that if we could get through 2006 without a war, then all would be OK, if we didn't then the ride into 2012 would be very bumpy indeed.

As we know 2012 was the end of the world as people have known it. So it was with a concerned heart after my return from Israel in 2006, that I knew that the Arabs were coming upon Israel, as I had been shown it when I woke up. The war that came upon Israel in that timeline, is now history, and so is the fire that came upon Mount Carmel at Jewish New Year in 2010. After the sign of Jonah was seen in Israeli waters earlier that year.

When I was sent to Israel for the first time, I began to take my missions abroad far more seriously, I felt a huge responsibility had been placed upon me to help Israel and defend it. Sometimes the seriousness of what I had been engaged in is hard to put into words. Due to the sheer power of it in my heart, that they had waited a very long time for this.

In hindsight, I could see that my whole life had led to this arrival, and that my name was written in the records of Israel. They knew when I arrived in the country, where I went, and when I left the country. Israeli's kindly watched over me and my safety in their country, and I was indeed blessed, as the Psalm speaks of it. Sometimes, I long to be able to walk upon the land again in the sunshine. Israel always in my heart.

The Psalm asks, 'Who is this King of Glory?, The LORD of hosts, he is the King of Glory, Selah'.

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