
Saturday 13 August 2016

Child Bath Dream

I had a dream today, in the dream a child came to see me for a bath. In the dream I asked the child to wait so that I could clean the bath for the child, prior to the child taking a bath. There were a series of rims on the bath, water lines. In the dream I thought it strange, as I knew that my bath was clean in real life. The child had black hair.

Then after that I was given a message, 'the woman has cancer, she will be offered 1, 1 then 2'.

The fact that a child was asking to come for a bath signifies that there are families that cannot afford to pay for the water for a bath or the energy for it, e.g. electricity or gas.


Its like WW2, after the war, when I was a child we would go to a neighbours to have a bath, all the children would bath in the same water. In those days it was tin baths that would be filled with hot water from the kettles and pans.

In the dream, I was making a white bath clean for a child, as the child had asked for a bath, that the child required. Ask and you shall be given.

This is the second dream about a child this week. First the dream about the divine intervention between the mother and male baby. Now intervention to help a female child from a poor family.

In the first dream I was defending the male child, in the second dream I was helping a female child.

The cost of living as gone so high, that poor families cannot afford to bath. After I had cleaned the bath then the child could come and bathe.

Another aspect is that before I gave healing, I would bath or shower to make sure that my body is at its cleanest. So it could be the case that the child being brought to me, requires healing and a bath first. It could also relate to a type of foster care, as I was caring for someone else's female child.

The message spoken in the dream was also about 'Cancer' and an adult woman. In dream interpretation to dream of 'Cancer', is a dream of contrary. It can indicate a life long prognostication of "avoiding overindulgence in the fleshpots." "Prognostication" is an interesting word isn't it, especially as it has the word 'gnostic' in it.

Interesting that there is a term called, 'Water Divining'.

Why would a child be brought to me for bathing? It would be brought for the water cleansing of its body and auric fields, especially if they are living with a parent that has 'cancer'. The child would be brought for the healing afterwards too, although healing oils can be given to a child while in the bath.

More on the word "Prognostication" and how medics make a "Prognosis" based upon their medical text books and findings. Are medics "gnostics" how many mystics are working in the NHS? As we know their medical text books have to be rewritten due to the new discoveries in neuroscience. You can appreciate why the medical profession has been holding back neuroscience being offered to patients, the more that they discover the more that medics have to change.

Many years ago I was introduced to a woman that worked at a university, and she was involved in a degree training course in complimentary medicine. She had access to the research that had proven that aromatherapy had helped 'cancer' patients.

So then when I pop into the ICM website what do I find?

​The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Indian Traditional Sciences (PGITS) met for a second time at Westminster in early May to discuss the issue of NICE Guidelines with regards to complementary therapies. 
Earlier this year, it was announced that the NICE Guidelines for improving Supportive & Palliative Care in adults are being reviewed and there is  recommendation that Complementary Therapy Services be removed from the guidelines. The PGITS confirms that it is still trying to get clarification from NICE regarding the change in these guidelines, but has been unable to receive any further information.

NICE is also the organisation that has backed the American system of IAPT CBT that academics in Europe have challenged. CBT was developed by Aaron Beck in Philadelphia, and academics have found that the stats do not stand up to their academic scrutiny.

IAPT does not offer aromatherapy, or other complimentary medicine therapies.  You are lucky if you can get some Reflexology, although people that work in CBT are often against that too. Although I've found reflexology to be incredibly accurate in identifying what is going on in the body.

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