
Saturday 13 August 2016

Health and Wellbeing Boards

Following on from the second dream about the child today, and my investigations into what is going on in the NHS.

We find layers and layers of administrators and stake-holders due to the Health and Social Care Act of 2012. Changes began to be implemented in April 2013, with the creation of new local and national bodies within the system. These include the following:

Health and Wellbeing Boards, do they even know what the soul is? "Wellbeing" is a biblical,  spiritual, mystical word, not a medical word.

Clinical Commissioning Groups

NHS Commissioning Board

Health Watch Groups

Health and Social Care Providers

Basically, its a complete mess, and its the patients that are paying the cost of it. Did you know that 58% of patients can't even access neurological services? Did you know that its taking up to six-seven years for a patient to get an MRI scan for a long standing back issue? Do you know how many people are dying due to what Cameron's administration has done?

What else can be said of it so far?

With all of those tiers of people, there is an "absence of leadership", you know what they say, 'Too many cooks spoil the broth'. In January 2015, Chris Ham from Kings Fund also spoke of the reforms in this way. "Complex, Confusing, Distracting, Damaging, Absence of Leadership".

What you find is that there isn't anyone that will take responsibility for anything. You can't complain to your GP about a service that the GP refers you to. You are told to complain directly to the hospital where the treatment was given.

The complaint is then dealt by a member of the NHS that works for the hospital. So you have hospital staff investigating its own hospital staff. There is no independent view of it, there isn't anyone defending the patient. In or outside of the NHS.

Then you have Healthwatch Groups, they don't pick up on complaints about the services being provided either, or defend patients.

So then you wonder what actually is their remit and why do they exist at all? What's the point of having layers and layers of people that don't actually help the individual patients? Seriously, you couldn't run a business like it.



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