
Saturday 13 August 2016


Jonathan Pie raises an excellent point about health security and security associated with health. However, its not just about the funding for hospitals, it is what services the Clinical Commissioning Groups are selecting.

Fact is that we know that at least 58% of patients have no access to neurological services. Source: Neurological Alliance.

Second fact is that the American CBT system has been inflicted upon the UK, (and other European countries) and that system came out of Philadelphia. Academics in Europe have scrutinised the stats provided by CBT and have challenged IAPT CBT at a conference. Why Europe? The EU have been trying to standardise treatment throughout European countries. Its all part of the privatisation and cost-cutting exercise.

When a nation cuts overheads to such an extent that it impacts on the health service, that then impacts on the security of the nation. Of course the population explosion, and people from other countries also impacts on that, especially when they come from different cultures that are hugely different to your own.

When a nation decreases the health services with an increasing population, the nation then finds that it has to increase police and fire services, due to the spiral that it co-creates. Its like a company that is continually firefighting when they don't have enough staff, and or can't afford to pay the bills.

At the same time an American corporation, Maximus Inc is sanctioning our people in the UK. The financial aspects of a person and or family, also has an impact on whether people can afford to live. The Shelter Charity, say that at least 1 in 3 households in the UK are on the brink of homelessness and that is a huge amount of pressure to be under. While at the same time, Vodafone's billions of tax was written off, while our people are suffering austerity, where is the justice in that?

Those that are aware have seen the results of the healthcare system in America and its impact on the people. 'Violence' in America has increased continually, and health certainly does have an impact on that. Not just mental health either, as people can be 'violent' when suffering from serious physical health too. For instance, cancer can make people volatile, especially in the early stages of it. It is a known fact in the medical profession that 'anger' is the biggest predictor of heart conditions and America has the highest incidence of it amongst the nations.

Hillary Clinton is a prime example of that American 'violence' due to what she and Obama did to Libya. Then there is the most recent case of Seth Rich, and the murder of the Jewish man that was a DNC staffer. Wikileaks have announced a $20,000 reward for anyone that can provide information that will lead to the person that did it. Source, Jerusalem Post.

The facts are obvious, the bigger the amount of health issues amongst the people, the higher the rates of 'violence' that manifests in and outside of the home. The last time I had to go to a busy area, a large woman threatened to hit me, just because we had accidentally collided. I looked at her peacefully, and wondered what planet are you on? I wondered what she might be suffering from, due to her reacting in such a way.

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