
Tuesday 19 July 2016

UK Prophecies

Theresa May is featured in the news and how she said, 'We will impose change on you'. A woman that would be willing to use a nuclear weapon on innocent people and they voted for Trident today. The woman that had the political ambition to be the PM from the days when she went to university, that's Theresa May, a person that wasn't democratically elected by the population.

However, there is a prophecy provided by Nostradamus that certainly looks like the houses of parliament in London. Some of his quatrains are like a velvet glove on the hand of biblical prophecy and he also linked into the true flame, as mentioned in the prophecies. Jacob is the fire and Joseph is the flame. England being the land of Joseph.


'The true flame will engulf the government.
Which wished to put to death the innocents.
Near the time of assault at my will become inflamed,
and one will see a prodigious thing in the Bull of Seville'

Funny, that the mythological founder of Seville is Hercules.

Interesting that it was when I was sent to Andalucia that I was shown the kind of projects that the EU have been spending the money on. (That was around 2004 time). A project that the youth in Spain, did not support, the children didn't wish to be become goat herders and cheese makers. So the most amazing new building with marble floors, dormitories, and stainless steel kitchens in 65 acres of land, just stood their unoccupied.

It would've made the most wonderful 'Eco Living' or Complimentary Medicine college. Instead, the estate agent said that if they couldn't find a buyer than it would be given to a local company for a peppercorn rent. Most likely a friend of the local mayor, as that is how things have tended to happen in many small localities. That project had clearly cost millions of Euros.


'The fortress beside the Thames
Will fall, the government blockaded within.
Thereafter along the coast it will be stripped bare,
their adversary will behold the corpse,
then he will stand inside the barrier'.

His prophecies also appear to mention the British referendum.


'In the confines of the war the destiny of Britain will change.
Near to the shore where three fine young nations will be born.
Ruin to the people competent through seniority,
The government of the country will change and never grow again'.

The fact is that Cameron's government is the most expensive that the UK has ever had, not only the most expensive, but also the largest. Its no coincidence that Blair has been called out in a recent report about the Iraq war. In the leave campaign from Nigel Farage he also spoke about the destiny of Britain and he foretold that it would change.

The people of Gibraltar are not very happy are they, all those senior expats that voted to remain in the EU, they had the audacity to ask for another referendum. They've got a bloody cheek to even go there with that!


'The law of monarchy contending against that of self-indulgence.
Will confirm the spirit of my prophecy.
Neither one or the other of the rival parties will be successful.
Through the monarchy the law of the Great Messiah will be upheld'.


'The change will be very difficult.
But the city and province will gain from it.
A prudent man of high courage will be driven out by a clever man.
Land, sea, and population, the status of all will be greatly changed'.

Was the prudent man, Nigel Farage, he certainly has high courage. Nostradamus also wrote about 'Meat being replaced by fish' and it was Nigel that campaigned for the fisheries on the Thames prior to the vote on the referendum.

Lawyers are in a battle over BREXIT, some lawyers are trying to stop it, and some lawyers are defending the vote of the people and its democracy. It indicates a constitutional crisis when the crown have to step in and get involved in the defence of the nation, and I'm not talking about Trident either.

Its the biggest thing that has happened in the UK since WW2, when Elizabeth is told that she cannot overrule the decisions of the lawyers who are trying to stop the democratic decision proceeding to its conclusion. The people voted to take their country back, now its going to cost to defend the choice that the people made.

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