
Wednesday 20 July 2016

Corbyn and Dogs

Mark Steel from Camden in London, a friend of Jeremy Corbyn shares with us that ticket touts were outside a venue that could hold 2,000 people in North London.


We remember the days of ticket touts being outside football clubs and music venues, now its Jeremy Corbyn. You have to love it, a man that didn't wish to be a celebrity as become one and he has the support of the grass roots.

I may not agree with everything that he supports, but hey, who are the journalists that have stood against him since he was voted leader by the membership. Are they the same journalists that supported Theresa may that supports Shariah law?

The fact is that Jeremy Corbyn has increased the membership of the party, it was Jeremy that attracted those people to join. It is that membership that helped their MP's to become elected, and that membership must be honoured. Otherwise the new membership will leave, it won't support a party of 'backstabbers'; especially when done to a man that has stood upon his principles with membership support.

Jeremy has a lovely voice, perhaps we should have some recordings of his voice to calm the people down. Ultimately, even dogs like to receive healing what remains. No coincidence then that both Jeremy and Theresa supported the remain campaign. I didn't agree with Jeremy on what he said about 'Workers Rights', and I don't agree with 'Zero Hour contracts' that are not jobs but casual labour.

As we know Jeremy is a casual man, he prefers to dress in casual clothes, although when he became leader, how smart he looked in his suits. The intelligent teacher with a heart of gold, interesting the match that Theresa gave for him in education. Another female career politician with a financial background, and in LGBT, is no match for Corbyn the family man.

Remember this dogs don't sit in the tree houses on tops of trees.

I am 'anti-Trident' and spending even more money with the American corporations when London says there is a trade deficit. If you wish to reduce your trade deficit then stop buying from America and that includes American confectionary.

I support leaving the EU project and I have looked at the prophecies about it. Even the referendum was foretold by Nostradamus and so was the event in Nice, France.

On a different continent what are the 'Gays' saying?

Are you interested in the prophecies about the UK? I have provided you with some.

I remember when the Son of Joseph came to my location when I was wearing a white suit it was around 1985.  I had bought a house that that had to be completely renovated. He looked upon his daughter and said to his wife, "How can she walk out of this house looking like a bandbox, how does she do it?"

My son and I were sleeping in one room at the time, on a mattress on the floor, due to the sheer amount of work that was being done on the four-storey house.

I certainly took on a lot more than I'd realised at that time, the house had to be renovated from the roof to the basement. Sometimes when you are young, that is what you do, if you have the energy to take on big projects.

In hindsight I shouldn't have listened to friends, I should've turned to help from an eco-architect. So that is my advice to young people, listen to the people that know, people that are more senior to you. People that have already done it, over and over again, people that are a specialist in their field.

What I am saying is that in the 80's my life could have been orchestrated better, had I not thought that I could rely on friends for help. I say this because a lot of people in the remain camp are listening to friends, and there is a lot of peer pressure going on in the Labour camp.

That's particularly hard for Aquarians because friendship is so important to Aquarians, in many cases more important than their relationships; because sometimes friendships can last forever, whereby relationships often don't, as Jeremy Corbyn found out in his own life.

For Jeremy it was a matter of principle. He had supported state education for all, and his wife wished for their child to go into private education, thereby came the split in his marriage, as it is written.

Marriages and principles, and what is important to you. What was important to me was that I was able to have children. I couldn't think of my life without children being in my life, I was made that way, just as others are born differently with different soul journeys. Determined pre-destination, 15% of what happens in your life is pre-destined, the other 85% is due to the choices that you make in life.

Although those choices can often be a reverberation of memories from past lives that are impacting upon your lifestyle choices until they are healed. Hence, healing is imperative for conscious awareness of your motivations.

So perhaps the journalists that have stood against Jeremy, may like to consider that. I support the democratic process and that the membership voted for Jeremy, as such, Jeremy should be allowed to stay in the leadership that he was elected for. We have no room for any 'backstabbers', enough is enough, get rid of them from the Labour party.

On Monday, I looked and the Buddhist owned shop had gone, loads of shops were gone. Although there is a lovely charity shop for dogs, so I gave some of mum's things to charity, because she loved her dogs, and her very large dog used to cuddle her, although dad bought him to protect her. He knew what was going on in London in the 80's, he passed over due to it.

This love was taken away from London in divine timing, it was a marriage that was clearly pre-determined that would change my life forever. I nearly moved back to Camden after my son was born to be closer to my family. Although I found that it wasn't cost-effective to do so - due to the cost of property in the 80s'.

Londoners from poor families could not afford to purchase in central London or Camden, unless they lived in social housing that they then bought when they were given the opportunity to do so. A lot of that social housing was in prime property areas. Now the NEC are charging £25.00 to be able to vote for Jeremy, that's a lot of money isn't it for the poor that are being sanctioned continually.

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