
Wednesday 20 July 2016


Milo Yiannopoulos, a Greek-British journalist has given a brilliant speech. It is worth listening to, the freedom march for 'Gays'. Milo says that the 'stranglehold from the left on gays is over'. Milo shares with you in his speech, that what the gay community gave to the West, they can also take away from it.  He is certainly a 'Strongbow' and he is on his way to Sweden.

Milo Yiannopoulos

Born in Greece, and brought up in London, England.

Hand of Transformation 

June 2016. Gifted to an American.

Milo is the technology editor for Breitbart in the USA, and has recently been banned from Twitter that he mentions in his speech. He's been involved in a lot in recent years, its worth spending the time to look at his profile. The tech guys are saying that we have to have a new platform, due to the Liberal dominance of social media.

I didn't register with Facebook or Twitter, I just didn't get a good feeling about it. Interesting that the Israeli's are suing Facebook in two different cases, the first case is about privacy, the bigger case is about 'bias' and what they've allowed to happen on their platform. 


July 2016, paint spread for an American. 

Milo grew up in London and he says that he doesn't recognise it anymore.


He gave this message to university students, a message for young men when asked to speak about 'Gender Equality'. When he speaks from his heart he is eloquent, the confident and heartfelt Milo.

Some more of his views on being gay, and climate change too. He also airs his views on what the British tax payer is giving to the LGBT movement. He is against paying for their signs, and I certainly agree with him on that. I agree with most of what this young man says, but not all of what he says. He is still on his amazing soul journey.

I could have an interesting discussion with Milo, a very bright young man. He is very busy this year, and his website gives you the information of the venues that he will be speaking at from September onwards in the USA. Best wishes to Milo and his journey.

Its about 14 years ago that I launched the spiritual freedom campaign in the UK, that included defending freedom of speech. Some may remember how we stood up to the PC brigade on a health and healing forum during the Rev 12 timeline.

At that time, Milo was in his youth. So it is great to see Milo defending freedom of speech, all these years later. A universal human right, article 19 of the declaration of human rights.

Interesting name MILO, as there is a Milo on Sicily, and in ancient Jerusalem - a neighborhood.


There is also a MILOS Greek Island. Milo's profile says he was born in 1983, the same year as my son, although they have different north nodes, different soul journeys. Both have already come through their first saturn returns and are the other side of it. So he can anticipate some plain sailing like a flotilla boat in the Greek Islands, he has a good wind with him and in his favour.

Birth date 18th October, and that was the 'Day of Personal Leadership', born to lead, 18th of October means he has a sun sign in Libra, the scales of justice and balance, all for truth, Liberty and freedom. He likes harmony in his life, good dress sense, harmonious colours to live in, peaceful surroundings and Libra as strong boundaries for their own defence. The next three years of his life cycle will be going up, up, up. After that his life and career will go into a different direction.

Milo was born with a north node in Gemini, the communicator with a photographic memory for facts. So the career that he chose in journalism, was absolutely ideal for his soul, as this is where he excels on his soul journey on the planet with words, written and spoken. Extraordinary people do extraordinary things.

Author of 'Astrology of the Soul', Jan Spiller shares with us that 'north node Gemini, have had many past lives where freedom was important to them, to discover their truth, they had to be free'. 

It is often the case that their minds go faster than they can speak. Jan says, 'Their minds are going ten times faster than their vocal apparatus'. 'In this incarnation north node Gemini's are on the planet to teach. To bring truths, principles, and practical applications of ethics to society. They appreciate universal law, and like to help others to apply it in practical ways in daily situations. When they act as true teachers, these people behave in a way that is a win-win for everyone.'

As we know Gemini is ruled by Mercury, and their astro symbol is the twins. I've met many Greek Islanders during my life, and they are strong defenders of those precious Islands in the turquoise waters that sparkle like diamonds with the sun upon it. His voice, being brought up in London, also has the power of the Londoner in it. He is succinct, a powerful and confident public speaker.


He was born in the Chinese sign of the dog, the faithfully true, trustfully loyal, and man's best friend, they always love their home, and home is where their heart is. Remember that it was the dog that gave healing to Lazarus.

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