
Thursday 21 July 2016


Nostradamus foretold what would happen in Italy and in this video it shares with us that the mafia on the Island of Sicily have declared war upon the migrants that have swarmed the Island with its 'crime gangs'. It is a proven fact, that wherever the immigration has increased in European countries, so too has the 'crime' statistics.

Italy is rising up for many different reasons. Their children that were sent abroad to find a job, have ended up doing washing up jobs because migrants had taken the jobs at home. The Italians are calling for their children to come home, and for the children to be given the jobs that the migrants have taken.

Italians are sleeping in tents and cars, while migrants are being given new homes and furniture. The Italians are seeing their culture being destroyed, while they say that the government is taking the money from the EU. Many of these Italians have had enough and refuse to remove the Christian cross from their schools.

Nostradamus also foretold what would happen in Nice, in France and he also provided information on other specific locations. In the same way that I was given specific locations in America. Islamic prophecy foretells that Islam will be pushed back, all the way to Saudi Arabia. 

The last time that I was in Italy was around 2004, and certainly, a lot as changed since then.

I am a pacifist and did not support the war against Iraq, or Libya, I don't think that 'violence' is the way to solve anything, because 'violence' only creates more of it. I am also aware that Nostradamus foretold that Western leaders would be responsible for taking out seven Islamic leaders on the orders of Islam. It has already happened in Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and they've tried it in Syria.

It was in 2011 when the king of Jordan was on British television being interviewed about Syria. He spoke of what the Arab league had decided about Assad, and they were determined to take him out, no matter how long it took or what it took to do it. However, as we know, Putin stepped in to put a stop to the Islamic plan to remove Assad. 

In the video above the Italians are refusing to remove the cross from their schools.

I was guided to wear the sacred golden ankh on my thymus, the original cross, the key of life. I waited until I went to Egypt, and my son had given me some money to buy the cross and chain as a present. So I also bought one for my mother too. 

When we were in Egypt, the Egyptian Copt children ran over to us so happy when they saw what we were wearing, and they said with big smiles on their faces, 'You are Christians'. Then they gave us a leaflet that I have kept in my journal of our cruise down the Nile. Always in my heart, with the Italians. During my life an Italian was brought into my life, and he said that he had been to university in Cairo, and his dad was born in Sicily. 

He was a lovely Italian from Sicily, and when I asked him to make me a talking stick for use on a training course with my students. He did, ask and you shall be given. I still have what he made for yours truly, from his own woodland, with his own hands. The thought that is important, the care and the love, I have a little of natural Italian wood with me. 

The talking stick. 

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