
Thursday 21 July 2016

Russell Brand Dream

I had another dream last night and this time it was Russell Brand in the dream that had come to give to yours truly. I remember being happy in the dream and we had a discussion. Interesting that Russell Brand appeared in a film, 'Get Him To The Greek', and Greek born MILO, has given an important speech.

This is the second dream of a famous person in July. The first was of the Irish musician and singer Phil Lynott with a picture of Nigel Farage in it, and Phil was happy about BREXIT and was celebrating.

After that came the cars on fire in Saint-GiLLes in Brussels, after that came the event in Nice, France and Bono was in Nice at the time, he has a house in that location.  Nice is also one of the locations that Nostradamus mentioned in his quatrains. I saw the link with Saint-Gilles, and Bastille, both have the word "ILL", in it.

There is also a quatrain that mentions the 'Bull of Seville' so Seville should also be on alert due it also having the word 'ILL' in it.

In January, Russell was in Rome with his girlfriend, and since that time it has been announced that he has bought a house in Oxfordshire, and his lady is pregnant with their baby. Did Russell see what was going on in Italy, if he did why didn't he give a report on it?

Russell has been sharing the books that he is reading about being a dad, and giving his reviews on those books. I think he will make a lovely dad, although he will have to be self-disciplined in his giving to his child. I wish him and the mother-to-be all the love and good health in the world.

"Children are the supreme joy of human life" from Sacred Words

In dream interpretation to dream of a famous person can indicate that you must keep on trying, because you will get help from an unexpected source. After the dream, I opened the post, and the referral from the GP to see the neurologist has arrived. I've been offered six different hospitals to choose from.


Orignal Artwork gifted 

One of the hospitals can offer an appointment in 22 days. However, that hospital is in a different county, and I would have to go to that hospital again for any aftercare that is required. The appointment letter received says that I would not be able to be referred back to my local hospital.

So before I book the appointment, I have to try to get some transport availability.  Interesting that when Russell was having treatment he was in that county. So I can see the link with this dream, and the hospital to select, although its a long way away, if you don't have a car.

The news today is that reports of incidents of 'rape' etc have increased by 136% in London Clubs and Bars since 2011. Immigration is great isn't Russell? What other news do we have from London?

Over 180,000 people have joined the Labour to vote for the leader. That now gives the Labour Party the biggest registered membership out of all of the parties that exist in the UK.

My sense is that people have had enough of the 'back-stabbing' of Jeremy Corbyn since day one, from the media and from the MPs.

As such, the people are willing to pay £25 to ensure that Jeremy Corbyn stays in the position that he was already given by the majority of its membership.

We may not agree with everything that Jeremy says, however, he is a man of principle who does not waiver from it, and he is a man of peace. 


And talking of London, Milo will be in London this summer.

The Greek born, British Journalist is on the 'Freedom March'.

In the right place at the right time.


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