
Sunday 17 July 2016


I was having a lovely relaxing bath, with coconut oil massaged in on my face, and I dozed off, then after I woke up, there was golden Hebrew script in front of me, it looked like there were four letters

The fact that he is showing me golden Hebrew script tells me that he is happy. All he has to do now is tell me what it means. I had a sense that it was a name. Its been a while since I've seen golden Hebrew. Now something to eat to enjoy, the mushrooms were reduced, so I had some mushrooms, with onions and garlic cooked in rice bran oil and butter, eaten with some nan bread. That's all I have had to eat today since breakfast.

A few hours later he said, "Zadek" although the Rabbi's write it 'Tzadik'.

Sons of ELOKIM as mentioned in Genesis.

Golden Hebrew script appears while bathing in water in candlelight, and the candles were on the left side of the bath behind my head. The Hebrew script was in front of me, a lovely golden energy, clearly seen in a moment in time.

Song of Songs, 'Gate of Bath Rabbim'. 7:4

It reminds me of the RAB, when we used to bathe together at the swimming pool in London. It also reminds me of my son, when he was young, we would bathe together and share a bath.

It was in the bath that I had an 'accident' in 2009, and I had to go to A&E for x-rays for my back. Being an Aquarian, I have weak ankles, my left ankle twisted as I was getting out of the bath.

For at least a month the 'pain was excruciating', and nothing would stop my body responding to the intensity of the trauma that it had experienced. I saw two back consultants and neither gave any help or assistance, nor did they give me a proper examination.

There as also been an 'injury' to the left foot ever since. My feet became flat and I shrank two inches in height. This year the Rheumatologist wrote to my GP that I have lymphoedema, although if my memory serves me, that began around 2013. Next is an appointment with the consultant Neurologist and it is anticipated that it will take approximately 22 weeks. It has taken seven years to get this referral, patience of a saint.

So what does the prophecy say?

'I will make the lame my remnant, those driven away a strong nation. The LORD will rule over them in Mount Zion from that day and forever'. Micah 4:7.

'At that time I will deal with all those that oppressed you,  I will rescue the lame. I will gather the exiles. I will give them praise and honour in every land where they have suffered shame'. Zephaniah 3:19

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