
Sunday 17 July 2016

London Let It Be

London and England this is not America, let it be.

2016, the year of the first will be last and the last will be first. 

It looks like the last in will be the first to leave UK. 

British jobs for British people. 

Taking our country back from the EU that is trying to do a power grab worth $1Trillion. 

It was already decided before the referendum, that "immigrants" that are earning less than £36,000  will have to leave, because we don't have enough jobs for our people. So best the German women stop whining weakly on youtube, you've been fortunate to live in our country, and enjoy the high life of London. Now its time for you to look at your options, because a lot of people will be leaving.


Think yourself lucky that you were given the opportunity to enjoy, because there is "Destitution" in Scotland and in other areas of the UK, and protesting it, won't change it. London, is not Memphis.

CAMERON'S "Destitution" LEGACY

Angels of Colour 

So let it be, the people of this nation have decided, and that's what we call democracy in the UK. Those that can afford it should consider going home to their own countries to help their own people who are also "destitute", put others before yourselves, your people, countries, and nations. As when we help others, we also help ourselves, it is the spiritual law of love, the spiritual law of giving.

Now those that are allowed to stay, behave yourselves, and remember England is not America, and we won't put up with the way America did things in their country; because we've seen where that took America. 

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