
Friday 8 July 2016


Our creative teams have been busy, a great advertisement from STRONGBOW that is in total alignment with the timeline of the 'SILVER CLOUD' message. Great marketing.

Last night the heavenly Father also said, 'Havah, don't get upset'. He knows how sensitive I am.

Cider an apple drink from England, Wiki says it has been the staple of the British hearth for two thousand years, if not more. When the Romans arrived, the native population were making their own cider in what is known today as KENT.

Although I usually associate the apple drink with the south of England, the south west and especially Somerset. The young population have really taken to the apple drink, probably due to it being more economical than Spirits. I like a refreshing G&T myself, a different generation. Although I like cooking with cider, especially red cabbage.

Strongbow would be a brilliant name for a range of venues due to what is happening in the UK with BREXIT. Strength is certainly what everyone requires now, as our people accept the changes that are coming to be. 

Hand of Transformation 

Scan gifted. 

The BOW also has a connection with the Iris and the Iris Prophecy with the bow being symbolic of the arc that we find in the rainbow. The clouds that bring the rain and then we can see the rainbow.


Original artwork gifted 8th July, 2016. 

Did you do archery at school, and did they teach you that the archery is connected to the spiritual law? Or did you find out due to your own research when you were sent to investigate it? 


Interesting that the Son of God mentioned how they would see the 'Son of Man' sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven. Matthew 26:64 Then Deuteronomy as the following verse: 'There is no one like the God of Jeshurun , who rides across the heavens to help you, and on the clouds of his majesty'. Deu 33:26. 

The 8th of July is the 'Day of Pragmatism', and as Russell Means would say, 'Today was a good day'. 

Next step is an appointment with a consultant neurologist, I do know in my heart that we have to get rid of the American Maximus Inc corporation out of our healthcare system. There should be case conferences on health cases with GP's to help the people, not work assessments with the employees of an American corporation on behalf of DWP. 

The people that work for Maximus are financially incentivised to stop our people receiving financial justice to meet DWP targets. While at the same time our people are suffering, I've been asking for an appointment to see the neurologist for seven years due to an 'injury' that was caused by an 'accident'. We cannot take life and our health for granted, as it can change at a moments notice, and you have to stay on it. 

I know that I can depend on me, to reach the destination due to the health journey that began in 2009, although I couldn't do it any quicker; due to all of the middlemen/women that get in the way. 

Sometimes in life it can take a long time to overcome all of the obstacles to be victorious, although you can't give up, or give in, until you have a resolution to that which ails our people. For the LORD God asked for mercy, not sacrifice. What I am seeing is that people with serious health issues require practical support, and that practical support is not currently available. It has become a rarity if a person offers to help a person with anything, so there is certainly going to be a shake up. People in our communities have to help one another as we move into a new phase of what life has to offer the people. Silence is compliance. 

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