
Saturday 9 July 2016


Andrea is calling for her campaigners and the media to be principled and honourable at the same time as Christian preachers from an American ministry have been arrested in Bristol. The bible did warn about the 'arrests' in this timeline.

I don't agree with the 'orthodox Christian preachers' in Bristol, as I pointed out to a local church, the verses of what Jesus said about certain people in the community. Prophet Isaiah also foretold that they would be given a new name and they were, 'GAY'. Jesus shared with his followers that you must accept them if you can.

How principled and honourable have the Conservatives been? Let's look at their record.

In 2013, there were over 300,000 social healthcare workers on Zero Hour Contracts. Zero Hour Contracts is nothing more than 'Casual Labour', and casual labour was not considered to be a proper job in my day. Casual labour was for those that couldn't get a proper job, or required extra work on top of an existing job to earn more to pay for more, not less.

300,000 social healthcare workers on zero hour contracts, is privatisation of the NHS, because they didn't like what the trade unions had negotiated for the healthcare workers to preserve their jobs, professions and long term security. How honourable and principled is that?

The NHS that people depend on to help them, should be given top priority for our indigenous people to prosper. Real jobs for real people that are willing to put in the real effort.


Orignal artwork gifted 8th July, 2016. 

How principled and honourable was the 'Bedroom Tax', and now the American Maximus Inc corporation that has been sub-contracted by DWP? How principled, honourable, and moral was the removal of pensions from 1950s women throwing those women into poverty?

Is that how you honour the women that worked hard for his nation? Women that people depended upon to feed, clothe, and bring up the children that the nation required in integrity?

How many British journalists know what it means to be honourable? How many of the poor did the journalists feed, or did the poor feed the journalists and buy their newspapers?

How many honourable people are there in parliament? Who gave the politicians the permission to have Rt Hon in front of their names? How honourable have they been, you know people like Blair that co-created a war against Iraq without the support of the people. Cameron that did the same with Libya without the support of the people.

Now Obama that is telling the EU that you have to eat our food or we won't buy your cars. Obama that is telling European countries with Merkel that you have to play by our rules. You know what the British people have said to Merkel don't you? The same as the French, no thank you.

The French PM said no, and now it comes to light in disclosure that the EU President (and ex-Portugese PM) has accepted a job with Goldman Sachs in London. How principled and honourable is that remainer's? How about you leave voters?

Yes, we knew that there was a property crash coming, people were forewarned twenty years ago.

Millennium Prophecies indeed were delivered and people have been forewarned ever since. In fact, I don't think our country truly recovered from the 80s-90s recession, and the meek did indeed inherit the earth. Interesting that Andrea is an earth sign of Taurus the bull, and you know what they can be like in the China shop!

The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy, and he does have compassion upon this land of Joseph. So no, our people shall not be working as hard as the Chinese to earn a living to support their families. Our people shall not put our children on the streets to earn a living like the Chinese have done in Athens. Have you seen those China containers arriving at Greek ports? How principled and honourable is China or the Greeks for allowing that to happen? Can they live in the light of the heart of integrity?

Boris Johnson and the Johnson Curve, maybe Boris should be in charge of communications for Andrea, as the journalist certainly knows his way around the media circus in Fleet Street and Europe.

The media do like to make a drama out of a crisis don't they with their headlines and the attitude of some of the younger generations, can be quite shocking to the older generations that gave the greatest respect to their elders when we were their age.


Calm down all of you, and take something for your high fever pitch.

As the LORD said, 'Havah, don't get upset'.

Yesterday, while waiting for the bus, a little robin came before me on the concrete looking for food. At first I thought it was a sparrow because it was so small, and the sparrow always makes me think of Paul, a dear friend, the best man that passed over when he was in his 20's.

Then the little bird turned around and let me see its chest. I knew then that the little bird was indeed a robin red breast. The keynote of Robin is the 'Spread of New Growth' and its cycle of power is Springtime.

Author Ted Andrews shares with us that Robin reflects the requirement to sing your own song; if you wish for new growth. It encourages people to assert the will to force new growth in your life, and to go forward. It is the heart of the robin that provides the ability when feeding its young, it feeds the babies every 12 minutes.

An interesting numeric when you consider the 12 months in the year, and babies are being born everyday. So then we can anticipate that the UK is going in the right direction with BREXIT, and that by next Spring 2017, we really will be able to see how new growth is beginning to emerge in a successful way.

It will be a year of seven with its last numeric, the numeric of the spiritual teacher, it adds up to ten and it signifies a new cycle of time. In my life, I will be in a nine year in my life cycle, a completion of a nine year journey, divine love in manifestation. The 9th year in your life cycle is a pinnacle year and it can be absolutely epic.

The 9th of July is the 'Day of WONDER', how wonderful then that today links into the Iris Prophecy and the name Thaumas. As the Nostradamus prophecy foretold, for 40 years it would not be seen, after 40 years the Iris could be seen everyday.

And a lovely response from Jeremy Corbyn when he was questioned about the pressure upon him. He replied, that he had 'infinite patience', and was under 'no pressure.' He went further and replied that 

'The real pressure is when you don't have enough money to feed your kids, when you don't have a roof over your head, when you're wondering if you're going to be cared for'.

So true, I've certainly had infinite patience. I just read that it is 22 weeks to see a neurologist at our local hospital, and it has taken seven years to even get to the point of a referral to see a consultant. 

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