
Thursday 7 July 2016


The hand paintings keep on coming such fun, that I am surrounded in paintings of hands. I'm not getting much done, just paintings of hands. I particularly like the 'Hands of Help', 'Angels of Colour' and 'Hand of Transformation'.

Hands of Help 

7th July, 2016. Gifted. 'Day of Revelation'. 

4th July, 2016 the following day there was news of an oil spill in Israel, 
and Israel are not receiving enough rain. They will have to get water from the ocean. 

Angels of Colour 

June 2016 

Hand of Transformation 

Gifted to GAQ. 

A tenacious woman in Andrea that likes to use her hands when communicating, certainly called them out in this video during the BREXIT campaign. A strong woman with a financial career behind her. Given the choice of Theresa or Andrea, Boris and Nigel are backing Andrea and from what I've seen in social media so are the people backing Andrea. 

The people are basically saying that if Theresa May gets the job of PM, then they will vote UKIP in the next election. Can Andrea save the Tories? Anything is possible in this timeline. A lot would depend on what they actually do to help the poorest of our nation; to help transform life at the grass roots. Andrea is diplomatic, although she certainly as passion when required. 

Very pleased that Gove is out of the running, and the people now know that there will be a female Prime Minister in the UK. Some have said that Andrea reminds them of Vera Lynn to look at, the singer who sang, 'There will always be an England'. That will certainly resonate with some of the older membership that now have to vote. Why does it takes so long, until September, when the situation is a serious emergency? Perhaps they would like to share with us why? Probably due to holiday time. 


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