
Sunday 10 July 2016

Stonehenge Crop Circle 8th July

This is a crop circle reported on the 8th July, 2016. A lot has happened since this crop circle appeared at Stonehenge, Nr Amesbury in Wiltshire. The crop circle looks like an Islamic coin to me e.g. Islamic currency = Shariah finance. It has a seven pointed star with a crescent moon that can be symbolic of a new moon. Fortunately, I have the moon under my feet.

No coincidence then that in 2017 it is the 100th anniversary of the 'Fatima Prophecies', and the ex-Portuguese PM and EU President is moving to London in a job at Goldman Sachs, at the same time as Theresa May's husband is a banker that works for an American corporation, CAPITAL.

At the same time Hillary Clinton is running for president in the USA, and she was doing high fives with Turkey in 2010. It has also been disclosed that major financial contributions were received from Islamic countries into the Clinton Foundation.

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