
Sunday 10 July 2016


There is an interesting correspondence between HaShamayim and the wondrous woman from heaven in Rev 12. The Rev 12 timeline was completed in December 2008 and it overlapped with Micah 4 that is about the mission to the USA.

Then if you cross reference that with the Nostradamus Iris Prophecy, you can see that Nostradamus was linking into the Rev 12 prophecy. He also gave the numeric of 40 and that numeric is associated with Moses. Scripture explains that Jesus saw Moses and Elijah when he was transfigured, and being transfigured is a spiritual reality that you find in Christian Spiritualism.

During the Rev 12 timeline we also had Archangel Michael and the teachings about communications that he imparted; were distributed to the spiritual community around the world a decade ago. Some was translated into different languages and were published on spiritual websites abroad; including in Italy. Before the Rev 12 timeline was completed, it also overlapped with Rev 13 when wisdom was called to do the count, and Jesus foretold that wisdom would be proven right.

Some people in America didn't wish to hear the Obama warnings, or that the LORD had sent yours truly to give the 'testimony of warning' that Prophet Isaiah had spoken about in Isaiah 8.

We now discover that Theresa May's husband who is a banker works for an American corporation as of 2016.  And that the EU President is moving to London to work for Goldman Sachs, they're all in bed together aren't they? The EU President that was the Portuguese PM, and Theresa May, who was described on her profile as being 'Ruthless'. Is that how a man likes a woman to be, they compare Theresa with Angela Merkel.

Where would the world be if all people and women were like that? I say NO to Theresa May's 'Ruthlessness', I say NO to Obama, and YES, to COMPASSIONATE ACTION and MERCY for our people. I say YES, to LOVING KINDNESS of Jesus Christ.

The Conservatives also sub-contracted Maximus Inc to subject our people to the way that America does things. Employees of Maximus Inc are financially incentivised to stand against our people who require helping hands; not sanctions. Our undercover reporters discovered that employees of Maximus are being paid up to £20,000 a month to sanction our people. 

Not only that but they have also given our peoples medical and dental records to an American corporation. We have to make sure that the American corporations and their globalisation leaves the UK. No thank you, Obama. The French have said no to Obama, no to American monsanto food and its corporations. 


Original artwork gifted on the 8th July, 2016. 

Prophecy foretold that the LORD would have compassion for this land of Joseph and the LORD asked for mercy not sacrifice. The fire did come upon England in 2011, and in the prophecy it foretold that it would come upon 'Little Israel'. North London has been a strongly Jewish area throughout the 20th century, even members of its football club are called the 'YIDS'. 

The fire kicked off due to another man being 'murdered' by the police force and that is the responsibility of the Conservatives. The buck stops at No 10 Downing Street with Cameron's cabinet that included Theresa May. For what has happened to our people in this country, during their reign of austerity upon our people. Even the UN sent reporters to investigate did Cameron publish those full reports on line for everyone to see? The first report was about the impact of the 'Bedroom Tax', the second was about the impact of the austerity measures and DWP upon the most vulnerable. The disabled, and people that are still waiting for a diagnosis from the so-called medical professionals. 

The water of the divine feminine can put out the fire co-created by man, and I have a lot of water and air signs in my birth chart, in fact, I have very little earth. Although the prophecy foretold that there would be two portions for Joseph. Interesting that we have Jacob Rees-Mogg in parliament and for the leave campaign, and there is a 'MAGOG' prophecy that includes the fire. Is it a wonder that our dads worked in the same location for the same publisher? How things unfold, and are revealed to us that remind us of the life of the Son of Joseph. After he passed over, he said, 'Forget me not'. 

I appreciate Jeremy Corbyn's infinite peace and the fact that he has mentioned that he is under no pressure, for grace is certainly under pressure. The thing is Jeremy would you have infinite peace if you were seriously under pressure? How about your children? Would you fret like my mother did during WW2?, would any of the politicians? Are they sensitive enough to be upset, what does the 'Ruthless' know about sensitivity, and being sensitive to the requirements of the people and their hearts? Remember how that Remain woman treated an elderly Londoner with her placard with the word 'LEAVE' on it. 


See this hand, the NHS didn't even take an x-ray of it. Why is that? It would probably prove what they do not wish to accept, social justice. My hand that was pierced twice in  London. If there is one thing that the Son of Joseph taught me is that a nation can only truly prosper in love beyond measure. My generation in the 1950s were born into a war-torn country, with war-torn families, and we paid the cost in more ways than one. Even the taxes that we paid were given to rebuild Germany, after everything the Germans had done, my generation paid the cost. 

We rebuilt our country, and our families in the love, the love for our people, the love for our nation in the sight of God. For we knew in our hearts that love would prevail over everything in every reality, that we found ourselves in. With loving kindness, with compassionate actions and mercy for everyone that walked upon our soil. We were charitable and gave love with all of our hearts and souls, we believed in love. A great love that could get us through everything. 

The Love Ambassador

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