
Monday 11 July 2016


Due to a situation at our local GP surgery, whereby an advertisement had been placed in the entrance for Chiropractic treatments, I called the Chiropractor that was offering free treatments under the NHS logo. When I phoned to make an appointment I was told that the service had ceased in April. I then asked the clinic to remove the advertising as quickly as possible, due to the clinic being in breach of the 'Trade Descriptions Act'.

Under the Trade Descriptions Act of 1968, if you advertise something then you have to be able to provide it to the customer. So for instance, if a product has a lower price on it than the real price, then the shop has no choice but to give the customer the product that has that price on it. As such, by law, the sub-contractor is legally bound to provide that service whether they have a contract with the NHS or not, at their cost for free. Consumer protection is a very serious matter indeed, and GPs are not trained in the law of our country, or about advertising standards of which we have an authority.


Original artwork gifted 8th July, 2016. 

However, there is another important aspect to this because the EU Parliament has made changes to our English laws and it came into effect in 2008. In the UK, Christian Spiritualism is a recognised religion and its churches are known by people, (internationally) especially the bereaved.

In fact, there is an English politician whose dad actually started a local spiritualist church and he is now in the House of Lords.

So what does the church have to say about the EU law that is against mediumship, astrology and other spiritual practices? What would Jesus say, if the EU and Angela Merkel told him that his work was for 'entertainment purposes only'? The fact is the scripture shares with us that Jesus was transfigured when he saw Moses and Elijah, hence mediumship is biblical.

Another aspect of this is that in Germany they tried to force Reiki healers to have a massage or other body qualification, (they've done the same in some American states) the healers stood up in Germany to defend our healing practice, and the German Supreme Court overruled it. Reiki and the German healers won that round.

Mystical healers can be involved in lots of different spiritual disciplines, and it is certainly not for entertainment, when we are working with a client that has chosen to work with us. I do support client protection, and that is why in the UK I was involved in vetting those that wished to be professionals due to the sheer amount of responsibility involved.

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