
Monday 11 July 2016


I had a dream of Phil Lynott, he came in dream state, and he was so happy about BREXIT. In the dream I saw a picture of Nigel Farage too. Phil was celebrating, and he was asking me questions about what had been done, and what I was going to do next.

Phil Parris Lynott was an Irish musician that was born on the 20th August, 1949, a 'war-time' baby. A musician, singer and songwriter. His profile says that he grew up in Dublin in the 1960s although he was born in Staffordshire.

In real life, I did go to some of his gigs, and a friend who worked for his manager, also took me to the recording studios where he and the band were working in the 70s. I remember him being polite although he was busy with the band, so we didn't stay long.

Phil was only 36 when he passed over on the 4th January, 1986. Interesting that he was friends with Bob Geldof, and Geldof came out against BREXIT. Phil sang a song during his life called 'Ode to Liberty', and its no coincidence that a Liberty youtube channel was the person that provided us with the live link on the day of Farage and the Fisherman when Geldof stood against Farage.

Phil's tour manager did his best to keep the 'drug dealers' away from him. When Phil said that they were his friends, his tour manager said that they were not his friends.

Such a talented musician and an interesting warning that he delivered to his fans and friends. I remember that there was an oriental woman at the club off of Regents Street, it was a club where many rock musicians went to relax and dine. I could walk to and from the club, so I often went to it in my younger years, and I did meet an oriental woman in that timeline, that tried to recruit me with a financial incentive to go to Japan. Of course, I said, NO, and just smiled at her, I found it rather amusing at the time.


Also interesting that Japan is one of the G7 countries, and the last G7 was held in Japan. Then there was also the marriage of John Lennon to an oriental, and we all know what happened to him.

In dream interpretation to dream of a famous person can signify to keep trying, because you will get help from some unexpected source. Being asked questions in a dream, can indicate obstacles to be overcome, and it does depend upon providing satisfactory answers.

That's what Nigel Farage did, he gave satisfactory answers to the people, and due to his responses his support grew. It touches your heart when you listen to the people of Burnley talk about what it means to them to leave the EU.

You can be sure that Phil Lynott is watching over his people and the activity of his nation.

Just seen the news, Andrea Leadsom as quit and the people are asking will Jacob now challenge Theresa May? The people are against Theresa May, although there is support for Jacob. The people are also saying that now the support and membership to UKIP will soar.

Theresa May that supports Sharia Law, does that remind you of the recent Islamic crop circle on the 8th of July, 2016? Remember that Theresa's husband is a banker and also works for an American corporation as of 2016.

Stonehenge Crop Circle - 8th July, 2016.




Silence is compliance and Phil Lynott did speak, a message for his people. Phillip, the name of an apostle, the lover of horses. Philip that conveyed the teachings of perfection as written in his gospel.

Confirmation received. When I got up from the computer to go to the kitchen to make something to eat, he gave me his signature smell. 'HORSESHIT', such a lively sense of humour, Phil Lynott. Maybe that will mean something special to his mum.

Dad, the Son of Joseph, used to collect it when he saw it, as he used it to fertilise the soil for his roses. No coincidence then that Phil also sang a song about the 'Black Rose' and a different song, 'Rosalie'.

A song for Phil's mum, still in love with you.

Bless his mum, and him, our Phil Lynott.

Bless his family and loved ones.

1 comment:

  1. Bono was in a restaurant in Nice, its written that he has a house near there.
