
Monday 11 July 2016


So Theresa May is given the position of Prime Minister in the UK, and that means that there is no democracy in the UK. The politicians did exactly the same with Gordon Brown, the people hadn't voted for him either. It should be in our constitution, that the Prime Minister must be elected by the people, not a few people in Whitehall.

At the same time there is news that the Salman Tower in north-eastern Iran, the city of Mashhad is on fire. A 17-storey structure and no casualties, that is rare isn't it for a building of that size? A dozen firefighters have been hospitalised due to respiratory problems the video text says.

The text also says that the cause of the fire was an 'electrical malfunction in the tower's lighting system'. The report was uploaded on July 10, and that was the 'Day of Duality'.

Salman the Persian 

On the profile for Mashhad it is written that Mashhad is an Arabic name and it means 'place of martyrdom'. The men of Persia are mentioned by Prophet Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 27, 'Men of Persia, Lydia, and Put, served as soldiers in your army'. 

What can one say, it looks like it was done on purpose to me.

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