
Tuesday 12 July 2016

German E.ON Power

While everything is going on with BREXIT and the politicians are filling the media, the poor are suffering more due to what they're being charged for electricity. Powergen was taken over by Germany, E.ON,  and now when the poor put a £5 token in their meters, only £2.79 is being registered on those metres.

Also the poor are already paying a higher rate for electricity due to the simple fact of them having a meter. A meter that in most cases were forced upon the most vulnerable. This change in what people are receiving for their payment as only happened since the outcome of the referendum. The UK have to take back our energy companies from foreign corporations. We cannot allow foreign corporations to have power over our people.

If you look at E.ON's profile, you will also see that Germany is going after the Brazilian market. Its really important that the Brazilians don't let the Germans take over the energy companies in their country. Interesting that their profile says that Germany intends to close down all nuclear power stations in Germany by 2022.


One of the questions that Phil Lynott asked me in the dream yesterday, was whether I would be watching Brussels after BREXIT, I replied, no, as there were other important things to do. I also know that the people are on it, so I can leave it to the people.

Watch tower for the flock Micah 4.

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