
Friday 1 July 2016



While I was spreading the paint today, I was given the name ROBERT, so this shall be our Robert painting. The background of the painting is actually lavender, although it looks a different colour in the photograph. Overall the painting, the actual artwork is much brighter. I can see dolphins in the painting, what can you see?

I was sharing today how important it is to be a good swimmer. I am not a strong swimmer, although I loved to dive when we were being taught to dive into the water. I dived a lot into the London swimming pools in my younger years.

Its also important to be able to swim like a dolphin in joyous unconditional love over the waves of the ocean when the tides change. Although that can be very difficult to do when the dolphin is 'restricted' and 'confined' in a pool of social policy; that is impacting upon your own life.


Just think about how it feels for a dolphin in a pool that cannot reach the freedom of the ocean? Some people have been 'restricted' and 'contained' due to social policy that does change. And once they've gained their freedom it is easy for them to forget, what it was once like to be in that pool.

This photograph is more accurate of the colour. 

As I shared with a person today, count your blessings that you are being taken care of financially, with no confinement or restriction upon you. Because there are others that require our help, just as you received help, do not forget the help that you received, hold it deeply in your heart.

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