
Friday 1 July 2016


When I read the news about the Austrian presidential poll result being overturned by Austria's highest court, immediately I felt a hot light on my right hand like a light from a laser.

The court as annulled the result due to the Freedom Party candidate Norbert Hofer who challenged it and now the election will be re-run due to the handling of the postal votes.


26th June, 2010. 

Michael a man that defended Israel by my side. 

My condolences to Israel for what has happened in your country, I can understand the overwhelming tears that came upon me yesterday. Its hard to find the words to say to you due to it happening so often.

May peace be upon Israel, sooner rather than later, and you are not alone, there is a hostage situation in Bangladesh. It is mentioned in our news, where is the news about Israel? Don't our media wish to let the people know how Israel is impacted upon, on a regular basis? The truth isn't always as convenient as the Liberal left would like it to be is it? In this article from the Jerusalem Post, it mentions how the children were rescued by the Arabs.

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