
Friday 1 July 2016


On the 2nd of June 2016, I had a dream of two Conservatives in it, one of the men was Gove. Most people at that time didn't think that the leaver voters would win for Brexit.

Whatever happens, Michael Gove must not be PM, this is the link for the dream that I had in June.

15th June, 2016, shared the Michael Gove post.

23td June, 2016, Leave voters win.

Seriously, would you trust this man?

Gove is a man that co-authored a book with the proposal and intention of 'dismantling the NHS'.

What else? Trump coming to the UK, to stir it all up. The American culture is so different to ours in the UK. Could you even consider it possible that an English person would have the same philosophy that Donald Trump has?  'When there is blood on the streets, there is money to be made'. America and its 'Blood Bath'. In the video below an American cites the philosophy of Donald Trump.

Seriously, is that all America thinks about? Its certainly in your face when you arrive at JFK airport.

This painting that includes 'dripping blood' came in prior to what happened to the Malaysian flight with the Buddhists upon it. It was prophetic!

Obama was no different either, there was more 'blood on the streets' of America, and not less while he has been president. Obama and his 'wars', the man that 'attacked' Pakistan four days into his presidency. Do you remember what happened in Libya? Clinton is no better, doing high fives with Turkey. The EU Project is like a stuffed Turkey with stuffed chickens inside it. America, do high fives with nations that support the aims of their corporations,  another reason why we voted to leave the EU Project.

Clinton admitted that America is 'losing'; the information 'war' in 2010. Indeed you are America, we voted leave and our people are awake. Those that are awake will not buy American produce, and Russia as banned GMO!

What about Theresa May is she an option? Definitely not, she's in bed with SERCO.

From what I've seen on social media, people would like Nigel Farage to be our PM, although as he is an MEP and leader of UKIP, we explained to the people that he can't become a conservative PM due to the constitution. Although I think that the MEP's should be involved in the BREXIT negotiations, as they are at the frontline of what has been going on in that parliament. At the end of the day, the MEPs were voted for, they were elected, and they should be allowed to represent and defend their country. 

Out of all the people in the Conservative party, the people are asking 'Why can't we have Jacob?'. I quite like him, and he reminds me of Harry Potter. 

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