
Wednesday 27 July 2016

One Shepherd

Following on from the 'American Identity Crisis' that has turned very political in America.

I have to say that authors like Esther and Jerry Hicks didn't exactly help the feminists to live in integrity. One of the books that they published was 'Ask and you shall be given'.

However there are biblical implications to do with the spiritual law, you have do the will of the heavenly Father.  I don't think that Esther got what she asked for, as her husband passed over in 2011, on the 'Day of Temperament'.

That was the same year that Jesus shared with us that we were 'moving into AWESOMENESS', it was the 444 year of perfected love.

Its no coincidence that Rev 20 mentions the books, and how 'The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books'. Rev 20:12. 2012 was also the end of the world as people had known it.

Proverbs 27 mentions 'When the HAY is removed'.

Remember this that 'the one that has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered'. Proverbs 17:27.

The word 'restraint' is interesting when you bear in mind the PO, and how women during menopause that experience "insomnia" are restrained from doing what they would like to do.

When "insomnia" manifests it indicates a redirection of energy, and Titus mentions it in 2:2, 'Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.

'The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails given by one shepherd'. Ecc 12:11.


I've been in awe that 20 years ago I was compelled to buy an Obsidian sphere. Then in the last week I discovered that Obsidian was found for 15,000 years in an area where there is an Island with my name. Two Greek Islands close together, and two people each having the name of an Island in their birth names being on the planet at the same time. Truly awesomeness!

I can only be in awe and wonder of what the heavenly Father has done, and the words of his Son, when he spoke of how I hadn't asked for anything for myself or my son. All those years ago, and so much has happened since those words were published in 2000, after we turned into the new millennium. When I returned from Australia with a manuscript that I had written about my life, because my clients had asked for it.

What did you have for supper? I had some red onion, garlic, mushrooms and butter beans with paprika and fresh green chilli.

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