
Tuesday 26 July 2016

American "Identity Crisis"

In this video, Milo Yiannopoulous discusses more about the American Identity Crisis, that has become very political. His profile describes him as a Greek-British journalist, tech editor for Breitbart that was founded by the Irish-American Andrew Breitbart.

During this video Milo shares that he grew up in a rural village in Kent, although I'm sure he spent time in London, as he appears with Boy George on TV in this video.

The connection with Boy George is interesting as a few years ago I received a Jesus Christ Superstar dream, and Boy George and Russell Brand were both outside in the rain with friends, as people were waiting to go inside to see the show.

We've been discussing this 'Identity Crisis' today in social media, and Milo also talks about it in this video. These are major issues that are impacting upon the American election. Women blood smearing on university campus and a lot more.

Another feminist, Laurie Penny, as been spending some time in America, so we are also finding some of this in the UK. "Identity Crisis" does require a much larger and in-depth debate. Particularly with spiritual psychologists involved in the discussion.

I think Carl Jung would find this era fascinating, although he would probably find the emotions that are being triggered, what appears to be purposefully 'irritating', while he was trying to educate people.

It certainly comes to something when young women run off to their safe space on campus when they are being triggered by facts. When women are asking not to study 'rape law', when they're doing law.

How do they think they will be able to help their clients, if they have to run off and hug a puppy, because they've been triggered by something that their client has said? How can they represent clients unless they have the emotional maturity to defend their clients in the best possible way? It does make you wonder whether they are even mature enough to even be in higher education.

Its quite incredible that American universities and the media have pandered to these women and their whims. While they've done their utmost to socially engineer children to go into the sciences, education, and anything else that they get involved in.

It looks like America is having a meltdown, when they have university students that have trigger warnings for trigger warnings. The whole point of being triggered is that you reflect upon it, and heal it, so that it doesn't trigger you anymore. Challenge can move people beyond their comprehension and the feminists certainly feel challenged by Milo.

Although you see in the above video, how they are responding to what they hold within. Blood smearing their faces, clearly shows past life connections that are required to be healed. Perhaps they would be better off in a drama class instead of listening to Milo, as certainly out of all of the nations, America certainly loves the drama of it all.

Perhaps those blood smearing women, are the 'aborted babies' in their previous life, because if people don't heal themselves, then history repeats itself, until people are willing to go deep within. Doing past life healing work with those women would be interesting to uncover what they have to heal specifically.

Some of those people view themselves as 'warriors', when in fact even in the healing process, people can heal that within too. Only when people are willing to locate and find their "mysterious wounds" from past lives can people really make huge leaps in their consciousness. I remember providing a weekend training course sharing on how it can be done. Peace of mind is paramount and that is the first thing those women have to attain.

Laurie Penny - Feminist Heartbreaker

Feminism and Science

Thank goodness that there are some Americans that have the common sense and sensibility to keep it afloat. Its like a civil war in America over this election, and as I wrote to a spiritual elder years ago when asked, we respond to it legally, scientifically, and peacefully.

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