
Wednesday 27 July 2016

Clouds of Witnesses

Interesting that the verse of the day at bible gateway is about the great clouds of witnesses and to throw away anything that hinders. Hebrews 12:1

So you can view it that Milo viewed the 'Ghostbusters' film as something that hinders the health of women, and in so doing their wealth. As good health is the greatest wealth and in this interview he mentions the new female culture and where it is leading women in America.

When Muslims said that they were 'offended' by what I had written, I asked those Muslims to heal it within. My intention was not to do what those Muslims said, I was sharing facts. Now if those facts did in fact trigger them, then that is for them to heal within. Some people don't like hearing facts and that includes 'Feminists', 'Atheists', 'Muslims' and 'Christians'. 

However, there are some people on the internet and in social media that intentionally 'provoke' and in the CNN interview Milo explains why. He highlights that an 'Outrage Culture' as emerged, and he has responded with like for like, by his intention of being outrageous, to counteract the outrage culture in America. 

Frankly, I think he spent too much time amongst the 'American Trolls' on Twiter and Facebook, although he has my support in defending freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you intentionally 'provoke' a person, although a person can be a catalyst for the healing process, just by being who they are. If you stand-in your own light, and put it on the lamp stand, that can definitely trigger people without even speaking a word. I've watched it happen when I have walked into a room with other healers.

However, we are aware of what Milo did, he did do it intentionally, he knew what would happen, and that he would become a media star. 

Now Milo claims to be a Christian and so on what does he base his beliefs? If he believes in the bible then surely he must believe in what it teaches young people about communications, and the importance of keeping a tight rein on your tongue.

We are fully aware that the 'Feminists' and their new 'Outrage Culture',  find it very difficult to do that, and so do the 'Atheists', how about the Christians? 

Does war solve wars, does outrage solve outrage? Are you part of the problem or the solution?

Challenge moves people beyond their comprehension, although Milo, be aware that people have to be ready for the challenge. 

Teachings on communications were further given during the Rev 12 timeline, the words were delivered, 'the point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping'. 


Indeed there are great clouds of witnesses to the reality that is happening in this IRIS timeline. So think about your intentions and motivations and don't let others hinder you. Be an unfettered flame of God's love, the flame of Joseph, the magnanimous love.

England is not America, and the English with common sense do not embrace the Americanism that Milo has been 'infected' with while living in America, and in American social media. I was warned divinely to stay away from both Facebook and Twitter, my intuition said, no to it. 

Those of us that know the truth, do not follow America, in fact, we stand up to what American corporations have done to our people in the UK. We've seen where the American culture as taken it, and the health of our nation, and we are doing our utmost to put a stop to it in the UK.

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