
Wednesday 6 July 2016


Finally some facts and figures from the United Nations on expats living abroad. Just over 4.5 million live abroad, with approximately 1.3 million in Europe.

The most favoured destinations for British expats in Europe are Spain (around 319,000), Ireland (249,000) and France (171,000).

Now let's see if they will provide us with the facts and figures on the amount of Europeans that are living in the UK, and from which countries they came from. You can be sure that it will shock British people if they knew the truth.

Latest feedback from Jonathan Pie on Brexit.

I think the best response to the REMAIN camp is what has happened to the NHS in London, this story is important. How a person laid 'dead' in A&E for over four hours before anyone discovered him. If that doesn't prick the hearts of conscience about the cost of immigration, what does?

At the same time news is that there has been a crystal clear, precise, 'damning' report on the war in Iraq and Tony Blair's involvement in it. The question is will the legal team now pick up the baton, do they have the courage and the guts to bring Tony Blair and his colleagues to trial? Let's see if there is any English justice left in this country, and where will the Blairites run to now?

Jeremy Corbyn as always stood against war as do all true socialists. Even Churchill only did so when our own soil was next. WW2 never ended, it just went underground to rear its head again, and it certainly manifested with the EU Project with Angela Merkel. Some of those in the remain camp in London proved to big supporters of Angela Merkel, and what is Germany most known for in Europe?  Cars, Beer and War. Did Merkel tell Blair everything would be OK at their G8 meetings?

Which just proves that they know little about what is really going on with the EU Project. Glad to see that Hungary are calling for a referendum, truly common sense in the circumstances. We cannot have a situation whereby people keep on leaving their own countries causing a 'brain drain' within those countries at the same time that Islam has a political ideology for Europe.

I watched a video today where many retired British expats in Spain would like to come home, but they can't because their properties are in 'negative equity'. Their pensions also get paid in Sterling, so what happens to the pound impacts on their revenue when it is changed into Euros. Some people that own properties in Spain, have had to leave them 'empty'. The same happened in Ireland with the property boom in that country, a property boom that 'collapsed' years before BREXIT.

I looked at buying property and land in Spain and Italy, although there was always an important reason why I didn't. Maybe if I had found the right place in the sun, I would've bought when I could, and when I had the cash to do so. Although in hindsight, I can see why it was best for me to stay in the UK for the time being.

We've known for sometime that a property crash was coming, and it was foretold in 'Millennium Prophecy' lectures, some of the people that attended those lectures had also received dreams of the floods. In 2014-2015, I advised two friends in England that they should consider reviewing their situation as a property crash was coming. Prior to what has happened in Greece, a friend who has a property there was also forewarned.

A Muslim asked me, 'I would like to know what love is'. I responded that love is when you are living abroad (as I was living in Australia at the time) and Jesus comes to get you, and brings you home when you are are healthy and in spiritual fitness to help your people. I was in my 40's at the time, and Nostradamus wrote about the timeline with the numeric of 40, he referred to it as the age of Iris.

In as much as he said that 'for 40 years it would not be seen, and after 40 years the Iris could be seen everyday.' It was after my return from Australia that I was seen everyday on the internet; due to being invited by a colleague that owned a health forum. The new millennium had begun.

Nostradamus was a healer that worked with flower essence remedies and the Iris can be symbolic of vibrational medicine, the flower power children. In Greek mythology, the Iris is the goddess of the Rainbow and Nostradamus clearly foretold that a woman would come, and his prophecies are like a glove upon the hand of biblical prophecy.

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