
Wednesday 6 July 2016


In the Brexit Expats post I shared the Nostradamus prophecy about the Iris, and the Iris can be found in Greek mythology, she is known as the goddess of the rainbow and in biblical prophecy the rainbow is associated with the prophets.


Nostradamus worked with vibrational medicine and flower essence remedies including Iris. He was aware of the biblical prophecies and how it is written that the leaves are for healing the nations. 

This painting from the Iris link and the cloud reminds me of my spiritual healing room that is being painted bright white. When we first moved in, it was my sons bedroom, no coincidence then that there is a cherubim in the painting.

During the Rev 12 timeline, a young man was brought to my door and he required a safe refuge, he stayed in that room while he was with yours truly. He was fed and watered, he had time to relax and rest in a safe space. So I am not surprised that a young man appears in this painting. After what he had been through - he required tender loving care.

While the paint was being spread I was given 'SILVER CLOUD', and in that room where my massage bed used to be, the room where Jesus often spoke to us healers when we were working together. The room where he gave the briefing for the first mission to Israel in 2006. In the room where a miracle manifested, in that room my inversion table is going to be.


July 2016, painting gifted. 

Interesting how in Greek mythology Iris is associated with the name 'Thaumas', the daughter of. How truly incredible Nostradamus was. How incredibly accurate. In the Greek legend a pluck of her hair was taken and my mother kept some of my baby hair in a little matchbox. When I was going through her things after she passed over, I found it in her kitchen drawer. Mum had kept it all of those years, and it reminded me of the matchbox girls and the strike. Her last reminder of it - that she knew that I would find.

Iris has many titles in Greek mythology that includes 'Golden-winged' and 'Swift-footed', 'Dewy' and 'Daughter of Thaumas, Wondrous One'. She is often represented by a rainbow, or as a woman with wings.

Then if Christians and Jewish people cross-reference that with the biblical prophecies they will also find the golden and silver wings. Known for her work in communications, delivering messages, and the rainbow of new endeavours. In the past I referred to the rainbow as the 'rainbow of hope' and an article with that name was distributed to contacts internationally. Although in the scrolls, Isaiah also mentioned the coat of many colours, linking his prophecy to Joseph.

'Even while you sleep in the sheep pens, the wings of my dove are sheathed with silver, its feathers of shinning gold' Psalm 68:13

"The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments'. Habakkuk 3:19. He certainly did that in 2006 and 2007 when I was sent to Israel, on both visits I was taken to Mount Carmel by Israelis. In 2007, I also went north to the mystical Safed. Long live Israel, always in my heart.

Then if Christians cross-reference that with Rev 12, they will see the mention of the wondrous woman from heaven. Rev 12 timeline was completed in December 2008, as spoken of by Jesus himself, the Son of God. Interesting that after I had written about social policy that is impacting upon our people again yesterday, he spoke and he said, 'Its a Space Oddity, isn't it'. Incredible that David Bowie sang about Major Tom.


In Greek mythology Thaumas was a 'sea god' and the name Thaumas means 'Wonder'. Apparently, Thaumas was also the name of a centaur. Interesting that my father-in-law, is an eco-architect that designed and built his own boat and house, he lived his dreams. I phoned him a few months ago for the first time in decades, to discuss what was going on in our historic location.

It was so lovely to speak to him, and his wife after all of these years. I knew in my heart that I had to speak to him before the time came for him to leave the planet, my heart compelled me to pick up that phone before it was too late to do so. He sounded healthy enough for an 88 year old, bless him. He only had sons, although he gained two step-daughters during his life and daughter-in-laws.

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