
Wednesday 6 July 2016


There has been an oil spill at Haifa Bay in Israel. An Israeli maintenance ship hit an oil pipeline. News from the Jerusalem Post, people have been asked not to swim at Haifa. Its a long time since I've been to Haifa, a lovely location and beautiful beach that Mount Carmel overlooks.

'The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments'. Habakkuk 3:19 He certainly did in 2006 and 2007 on Mount Carmel. Long live Israel, always in my heart.

'They set the tables, they spread the rugs, they eat, they drink. Get up you officers oil the shields'. Isaiah 21 also mentions the look out and it mentions seeing horses, donkeys and/or camels. When you see these let him be alert, fully alert'.

Interesting that I've had a few dreams with horses and ponies in them prior to the Epsom Derby and afterwards. After that came BREXIT and the fund managers at M&G and AVIVA have suspended their corporate property investments in the UK. On the same day there is news of an oil spill in Israel and the Jerusalem Post has featured the latest news on America.

4th July Painting 

Obadiah prophecy Jacob is the fire and Joseph is the flame, no coincidence then that Jacob Rees-Mogg, a British politician is an investor in the oil industry.

And the verse of the day is from Isaiah.

'In that day you will say, praise the LORD proclaim his name, make it known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted'. Isaiah 12:4

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