
Thursday 28 July 2016


Today's painting for a UK charity that rang today, and it feels appropriate for this post.

28th July 2016 
The 'Day of the Winner'

And an interview with Milo Yiannopolous with the Baltimore Barristers in America. So let's have some red, white and blue feathers that were given to John in the USA a couple of years ago.

Right on it, stay safe Milo. 

What's the latest from the UK? A rainbow police car. Funny isn't it how the rainbow was taken as a symbol of the LGBT movement, when in fact, the rainbow is biblical and to do with the Jewish prophets, and particularly Joseph. 

England is the land of Joseph, and Joseph had a dream that a person would come in his name. In the scrolls it is mentioned by Prophet Isaiah that the coat of many colours would come.

So when the psychedelic era arrived with the hippies, people knew the timeline had begun. Norwich and Suffolk police force and their rainbow car, funny hey, when we have Milo defending freedom of speech, and I was arrested for freedom of speech in January 2011. How ironic is that? It would make a brilliant film if we told the world the truth wouldn't it? In the scripture, the NT, it is written that Jesus warned his followers about the arrests. That was some incredible evidence wasn't it, all those years ago. It was later that year that Jesus said that we were moving into awesomeness, 444 was perfected love. 

The 'Day of the Winner' painting reminds me of my blue convertible car. It wasn't very expensive, I bought it secondhand, with a little of my inheritance. A little gift from mum, and I knew that she liked it, as I could feel her in the car with me when I went to collect it. I sometimes wonder if I will ever drive again. 

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