
Friday 29 July 2016


How would you feel if 20 years ago your heart compelled you to buy an Obsidian sphere. Then 20 years later you discovered that Obsidian was found for 15,000 years in the area of an Island that has your name? Then how would you feel if two Islands close to each other, and people with the same names as the two Islands turned up on the planet at the same time? 

Awe, the wonder of it and what the LORD does. This mandala reminded me of Obsidian energy when I was spreading the paint, and it also has a velvet feel to it. Although I called the painting OPAL, as the finished mandala reminded me of an Opal. 

Scan of original artwork gifted. 

Some spiritual people have written that very few people can work with Obsidian due to the sheer power of it. It is for the gentle and tender hearted. However, the Son of God, Jesus, gave a prophecy in respect that the LAVA would come, he gave that prophecy in around 2007, when I was posting on the faith freedom forum. Although it has been recorded and documented in different locations. 

On the 10th, May 2007, Jesus said, 

'The LORD is not ready yet to spill the beans, for when he does a great lava will flow across the earth'.

For 15,000 years, obsidian was found in the area of those Islands, particularly on the volcanic Island of Milos, and we have Milo who has a Greek parentage brought up in rural England, with his lava that is taking on the feminists with facts. Defending freedom of speech, and edifying the right of men to be men. 

Milos Island 

Now since the mid 90's, that obsidian sphere as been with me, first in my spiritual room, it then travelled to Australia with my son and I, and back again. On my return from Australia, I gained a white sphere, a Selenite while I was in Assisi with my students and our host. I didn't require it, I was told that I must have it, so I brought it home with me. 

Since 2003, the white and black sphere have sat side by side in different rooms in my location. Usually in the spiritual corner of the room, based upon Feng Shui energetic principles. 

In 2010, after Michael (Michael was born in South Africa but was living in America) passed over. (He is mentioned in the book of Daniel, being the only person that supported me against the Prince of Persia, e.g. Iran). After Michael passed over, the Prince of Greece came to see me in England, as foretold in the biblical prophecies of Daniel. 

Around that time, the angelic white sphere split in two when it was in the healing room, that became the computer room during the winter months; due to the room being very small and cosy and more economical to heat.

I have kept the white sphere together by balancing it upon a ring, and it is currently in my bedroom with the obsidian sphere next to each other. I always viewed it as masculine and feminine energies together, side by side. 

Interesting that they both sit in front of a signed plate of mother Mary and Jesus, that was gifted to me by a healer,  and between the two different spheres is a childhood photo of my son, who was born the same year as Milo. Although their north nodes are different, different soul journeys. You could view it as both masculine and feminine energies defending the children, and in Isaiah 8 it foretold that the children would come. 

Volcanic eruptions are also in the news today, in Hawaii the Kilauea is erupting and it has made a happy smiley face. 

Clouds of Witnesses 


Now we have the prophecy given by Jesus about the lava, and obsidian was used as a weapon, and it is also used in healthcare as a scalpel. In Isaiah 54 at the end of the prophecy it mentions a weapon, and it also mentions the vindication for the servants of the LORD. 

Just because the Muslims have a 'black stone' that they worship in Saudi, we have volcano's and a double edged sword, a scalpel that can remove the 'liberal Islamic disease' of the feminists and Clinton. Even people in Haiti are against Hilary Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation that is known to have taken money from Islamic countries. Of course there is also Julian Assange that has released thousands of Clinton emails, Assange, another just one. 

I read earlier today, that Islam as infiltrated the medical profession and is impacting upon it to force it to align with Islamic principles. Some Asians like privatisation, and some Muslims think that they will have Islamic globalisation. However, Prophet Isaiah was against globalisation, and making all of the fields one. 

The LORD vindicates his servants that delivered the word, and the Spirit of Prophets is subject to the prophets as mentioned in Corinthians. 

 'For the point of the sword of truth is to prick the heart of conscience of those that are sleeping'. 

This comes at a time when yours truly is having to challenge the healthcare professionals due to what is happening to our people and myself because they removed the pension from 1950's women. The 29th of July, today, is also the 'Day of Assessment' and how people are suffering due to Maximus Inc Corporation. They've even given our medical and dental records to Capita, another American company. 

I don't agree with the social policy of our country, I don't agree that American corporations should be involved in our healthcare. However, I do agree with what Corbyn said to the Conservatives about the  'Cruelty' that patients are suffering. That's how they treat people in America, and England is not America, and yours truly will not put up with it, for silence is compliance. 

It didn't improve under the Obama administration either, we knew that it wouldn't be the positive change that American Liberals thought it would be, because the LORD warned us about Obama prior to him being elected and we knew what Obama was striving for.  

Wisdom did the maths on the man in Rev 13, even I can add up, that is what the flame of Joseph does. The interpreter of the law can ascertain the soferim. Big smiles! 

How's Chicago going everyone? Milo has spoken out against Chicago and Rahm Emanuel too, they gave Obama the peace prize didn't after he bombed Pakistan four days into his presidency, is that what you call a peacemaker America? Is that what you call a Liberal Democrat? 

A man that bombs another nation is not a peacemaker. I campaigned against President Bush too, when an American journalist asked the radical sages to help him. Can you believe it that there were American spiritual people that were saying that they had to give George Bush a second chance to put things right. Goodness gracious me, after everything he did in his first term? 

They were saying the same with Obama and his second term. However, we all know what happened at the voting booths, Breitbart have got copies of the videos that were also shared on youtube. Obama was only meant to be in office for one term as per the prophecy about it in Rev 13. 

Milo certainly caused havoc for Twitter, whose shares decreased after they banned him by 13%. 

Milo is appreciative of what Twitter did, although I think he did it intentionally. I think that Milo knew how they would respond, just like Trump knows how the liberal media will respond to what he writes. Liberal media is so predictable. Prophet Zephaniah foretold that the Virgin would come with 60 just ones, and I do think that Milo is just, in what he has said in defending our freedom of speech etc.

So is Nigel Farage, and Geert Wilders that have also defended our universal right to share the truth and the facts. If Feminists, Liberals, or Muslims are 'offended' by that, or that which I write on this blog, then seek within for the reason why, as there is much healing for those people to do prior to enlightenment. 

I remember in 2003, when a woman that did a leadership MA in the UK, shared that they were being taught that they didn't have to the get to the root causes. You can be sure that woman triggered all over the place; as she had a lot of healing work to do. So I can appreciate what Milo as been saying about academia and the feminist impact upon it. 

They've even got trigger warnings for trigger warnings, so that they don't trigger when challenged with facts. Goodness gracious me, what has the world come to, when feminist women that go to university in America, are asking for the facts of 'rape law', to be removed from their legal degree course in case they trigger. 

How 'absurd' can legal training courses become with that kind of demand upon it? How do they think they will be able to cope with the cases of their clients, if they're trigger prone? Legal practice requires maturity, and we respond legally, scientifically, and peacefully, to what is happening on the planet. Mother nature certainly knows how to bring the lava when it is required, how amazing is that? 

'What is the outcome then brethren? When you gather together, whoever among you as a psalm to sing, has a teaching, has a revelation, has the gift of tongues, or the gift of interpretation. Let everything be done for edification'. 1 Cor 14:26 


Stay safe Julian, Milo, Nigel and Geert.


The involvement of Clinton and her Son-in-Law in the Greek Crisis

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