
Thursday 28 July 2016


Menopause for women is interesting in its different perspectives, a time of restraining for women. 'Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom's instructions'. Proverbs 29:18. The scrolls did foretell that wisdom would come with the corrections and we certainly delivered plenty of revelation.

We find the restraint mentioned again in Proverbs 17:27, 'the one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered'. The word 'restraint' is interesting when you bear in mind the PO, and how women during menopause often experience "insomnia".

Insomnia also restrains women from doing what they would like to do, and that can include attending appointments, meetings, and a lot more. I used to think about how I would love to ride a horse again, how I would love to go out and be able to dance again, how you would love to do all of things that you used to be able to do before the restraint initiation really began to impact upon your life.

Of course, it can impact on different people in different ways because you cannot do what you love to do, you have a divine purpose for being in the revelation for the heavenly Father. Its a different dance, a heavenly dance that is you, and the divine force that holds you so close, and never lets you leave the embrace of his arms.

It manifests a redirection of energy for a divine purpose, as viewed in Titus 2:2. 'Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance'. You may find that if you don't have a life partner, or are in a relationship, your teaching can arrive in a different reality, as in social media or your local community. What you learn about the journey shared to help others to comprehend it. For how can young people comprehend a recluse, unless they have been a recluse? How can they comprehend being restrained, unless they have been restrained?

It is often the time when men have to integrate having the patience of a saint too, as some men are late in developing it. I have to say my dad was fantastic with my mother and did everything he could to help her. I think my son might have inherited his patience, although when he was a child, I used to say to him, 'patience is a virtue and it is something that you must learn'.

'The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails given by one shepherd'. Ecc 12:11

Some of us were fortunate to have revelation, so we did not cast off restraint, we accepted it gracefully and patiently in the will of the heavenly Father. Did you integrate 'Patience of a Saint' during your life cycle? Or did you throw off restraint and take HRT?

I remember I was in my 40's (that was 20 years ago) when I was intuitively guided to share with women not to take HRT due to the impact that those pharmaceutical drugs can have on their bodies. It is often the case that people have to pay later rather than sooner when they are younger,  and able to integrate the full meaning of the restraint for health reasons.

Having overcome 'cancerous cells' in my 20's, I certainly wasn't going there with HRT in my 50's, in fact, medically, I wasn't allowed to have it even if I was willing to take it. In fact, I try not to take pharmaceuticals at all, unless it is absolutely necessary. For how can I know what is going on with the body? I have to be able to feel what my body is experiencing, so that I can work with it, and nurture it.

HRT - Kill or Cure, in this article it shares the medical research, it explains how dangerous HRT is and how it actually promotes 'cancer' in the body of a woman.

Yesterday I bought some BERGAMOT that was divinely given for post-operative procedure. Sometimes I wonder how that lovely complimentary therapist is, I enjoy sharing the revelations given with those that can appreciate its wisdom. She's really fantastic for her age, and still doing her gardening.

What is the outcome then brethren? When you gather together, whoever among you as a psalm to sing, has a teaching, has a revelation, has the gift of tongues, or the gift of interpretation. Let everything be done for edification. 1 Co:14-26

'The Spirit of prophets is subject to prophets', is an interesting statement found in Corinthians.

The longer the menopause went on the bigger the restraint became; after I launched spiritual psychology in 2006. I was all raring to go with teaching it to a broader audience, and life took me to Israel after being invited to speak at London Excel.

It was time for yours truly to fulfil the prophecies that had been written about a different reality to the one that I had known. I did know prior to the new millennium that if there was a war in 2006, than it would be a very bumpy ride into 2012. Israel always in my heart since the first step upon its soil, it felt like I had gone home.

There are few locations that have that impact upon you, and it is often due to having a happy past life in that location. I felt the same way when I arrived in Sydney in 1998, and I've always loved arriving in Athens. Some locations fill you with joy on arrival, some locations you just don't like, and some locations you feel neutral about it until you can find something or someone that resonates with you and your heart.

When a child has the dance of life in their heart, it is always in their heart, and it is the love of the dance of life that helps people through the ignition of the initiations.

Its the same with the initiations of life on the rite of passage, each have their story to tell. Each have their revelation and each have their psalm to sing that provides a teaching to share. During my life I have experienced such wonder that my heart reaches out far and wide across many different realities.

Yes, the spiritual do clap their hands and tap their feet, on the dance of life, we comprehend the importance of clapping, and tapping and the connection with the heart.

While I was writing this blog post, I received a phone call from a charity so this painting is for this blog post and the charity. 

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