
Tuesday 14 June 2016


How the events unfold in America, with the dream that I had when I was interpreting a dream for an American who had seen four cows in a dream. I posted some information about it on the 9th of June, 2016 and that was the 'Day of Insistence'.


Then soon afterwards there was news of an event in Orlando at a gay club.

The BBC have shared that the man was known at the club due to frequenting it, and he was also known to be a member of a gay dating website. It is written that the man had a heritage in Afghanistan, and a lot more is being divulged. People are still trying to gather facts and assimilate what is the truth about the Orlando event at the Pulse Club.

The heritage of Afghanistan is interesting because China bought a large site that was being excavated, and they only gave the archaeologists three years to excavate. Although the archaeologists had asked for ten years to excavate the remnants of an ancient Greco-Buddhist city that exists on the border of the country.

During the excavations they found this bust of Jesus and as you can see he is wearing a buddhist top knot.

Going back to Orlando, its clear that one man couldn't shoot that many people, he must have had an accomplice, if not more than one. It was the Latin night at the club, although its clear from the names listed of the young people, that there were Jewish people also at that venue.

It was a mixed crowd of young people. In the information disclosed it came to light that the man was working for G4S, a Danish corporation, that bought the original American company created by FBI agents in 1954.

I also found a link with G4S in the UK with EPSOM in the NHS, G4S had been given a contract in 2013, the same year an American from the American private healthcare industry, was given a top job in the NHS.

EPSOM also links to a dream prior to the American dream, and in that dream received on May 26th, the equine man mentioned 'Parkinson's' and there had been a large downpour of water. There were horses in the dream and that is why I linked the timeline with the forthcoming Epsom Derby that was coming in June.


Its no coincidence that the floods came in Europe, then there was the passing over of the African-American boxing champion Cassius Clay, who passed over with Parkinson's. Tribute was made at the Epsom Derby for him.


Back to the American event, it has been posted on line that he was the fourth shooter, and there was also a woman involved, is that truth? That then gives us the numeric of four again, that links back to the American dream. I am sure as the days rolls on there will be more revealed.

It has been noted by some, that some of the gay community have been more interested in having wedding cakes baked for them, rather than what they've been eating and drinking in America.

Today, I've viewed a video of Owen Jones on British television, the Orlando event was being discussed, and he basically walked off the set. He has some healing to do - because he is being triggered by this event; combined with the fact that the older journalist-presenters were trying to be all mature about it. They basically, showed Owen Jones that he couldn't distance himself from the impact of it due to his 'reactions', rather than response to it.

As far as I am concerned the dream of the dream that was interpreted of four cows for an American, does indicate that there was an 'attack' coming on American soil, the 'land of Esau' and it came straight after the event in Tel Aviv where many gay people go.


This month is the month of Ramadan and we have also had the mutable Grand Cross on the 5th of June. It was bound to be an intense time with people being stretched in all directions.

The intensity of it is huge, especially for the young ones, some say there has been a 'political' motivation behind it, and yes, Islam is a 'political ideology', no matter how you choose to look at it.

Some talk about 'gun laws', increasing the amount of people to 'buy guns', some say it is to impact on the American election, and the EU referendum.

However, the fact of the matter is real lives are being impacted upon, and events like Orlando usually have a powerful impact on the consciousness of the people.

What I can say is that my heart goes out to the LBGT community, and everyone impacted by it. The response from the LGBT community internationally, has been powerful with their songs of support and love. The Vigils are happening everywhere and people are gathering on mass, critical mass awakening? Has there been a change of heart? The power of love.


My view is that there has been a huge lead up to this event in Orlando, the messages were being drip fed, so as not to alert those that would like to co-create such an event. Receiving that dream of a dream in the month of Ramadan, in the same month of the LGBT marches is rare, especially with America clearly indicated.

Another reason why Jesus spoke in parables in ancient times.

In the dream interpretation the financial aspects were included in it, and if we look at the Orlando news the millions of '$' are now pouring in. So where was the owner of the club when the event happened?

Does the dream of the Conservatives have anything to do with it?


In my club days, the owner was right there inside the door, keeping an eye on everyone, ready to take action to stop a happening.

Where was Barbara Poma, the club owner? Isn't the name POMA also linked with Spain and the Jewish people that were kicked out of Spain? I think that some of my ancestors went from Spain to Holland and then from Holland to England. However, clearly some of the Spanish Jews went to the Americas.

The Pluto in Scorpio generation.

It is written that the man was 29 years old and 29 is the numeric of 'Grace Under Pressure' so who was putting pressure on him? He would've been in his first Saturn Return and that is always intense.

No coincidence than this post is the 29th post in June.

To those people that may not know the scriptures that mentions the positive aspects for the gay community. I recommend people read Isaiah 56:3-5, Matthew 19:12 and Acts 8:32-29. 

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