
Wednesday 15 June 2016


On the 2nd of June, 2016 two dreams were posted.

The important aspects of the dreams were as follows:

1. An educated girl that did a university degree in psychology, and then went onto train as a 'Speech Therapist'.

2. Two Conservatives discussing economics London and a full-scale war.  One of the men in the dream looked like Michael Gove.

3. In the dream I mentioned the words that Jeremy Corbyn had spoken about their 'Cruelty' towards the disabled etc and I was 'appalled' at what the two conservatives were planning.

Today, I had an appointment at the hospital to see a consultant. As soon as I saw the sign that included two departments, I knew that it was connected to the dream earlier in June, because one of the departments was for 'Speech Therapy', and my appointment was with the other department.

When I first saw the consultant I was hopeful that we would get some progress. Alas, no diagnosis was given, no MRI scan. Doctors were instructed by London in 2012, to give every person that has had a long-term back condition an MRI scan, no resolution today. Although the NHS did give me another left foot x-ray, that I knew that I didn't require.

So what does this have to do with the two dreams you may ask?

1. Some journalists are already proposing that Michael Gove could be in the running as a potential candidate to replace David Cameron in the next election, and some people are already calling for Cameron's resignation.

In fact, in 2012, Michael Portillo said that 'he could be a serious contender in a future race for the Conservative leadership' and Gove is Scottish, like Gordon Brown was. We all know what that Scot did to our economy don't we!

2. In 2010, Michael Gove became Secretary of State for Education, and in 2011, he 'axed Building Schools For The Future' he was responsible for 'cuts in education'.

3. In 2015, Gove's wife complained to The Times over the fact that he was unable to get a foot x-ray done over the weekend on the NHS due to a foot injury. Gove co-authored a book in which it is written, 'the NHS fails to meet public expectations, and calls for it to be dismantled and replaced with personal health accounts'. 

4. The most important aspect is that Michael Gove likes war, he strongly supported going to war in Iraq, and in the dream there was talk of a 'full-scale war'.

He clearly views the EU referendum campaign as the time to build his popularity. However, I would not vote for him or a Scot to ever run this country again, after what Gordon Brown and Tony Blair did. In fact, I did not vote for Blair, Brown or Cameron. The only reason that I have registered to vote is to vote in the EU referendum.

As I edit this post, I am reminded of the words of the heavenly Father, when he spoke of 'Politics is the bane of your life'.  It certainly is, you can be sure that there are politicians within the NHS that wish to 'dismantle' it, that is why they sent the 'quangos' into it and that definitely cost the nation a lot.

My view is that the existing NHS does have to be transformed, creation as to be allowed to evolve and modernise. Although it is very difficult to do when even GP's and Consultants are not following national guidelines and instructions issued by the neurologists.

It does not require a complete 'dismantling' of the NHS. It requires an NHS that puts patients first and listens to patients requirements.

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