
Tuesday 14 June 2016


The LGBT community have gathered, and are gathering all around the world in solidarity with the Americans that have been impacted upon by what has happened in Orlando. In this video the London Gay Men's Choir sing 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' in Soho, where my mother, brother, and I worked during our lifetimes.

Soho where a 'gay tramp' called Rosie was known by all that lived and worked in that location in the 60's and 70's. He was known as the cleanest tramp in Soho due to the fact that he liked his baths, he used to take fruit and flowers from the stalls in the market, and then give them to my mum who showered the gays in Soho with her love.

The power of love is beyond measure, mercy, compassionate action, charity, the LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for HESED. Hence Rosie was given the most amazing send off when he left the planet, always in the heart of Soho, the generous Spirit of Rosie lives on in the hearts of those that frequent it. So too the generous Spirit of the people that have lived and worked in that location. 

In locations all around the world the community has come together in the power of love beyond measure, in lovingkindness that Jesus taught, merciful, charitably in compassionate action.

At the end of the day, it is love beyond measure that is successful, and it is good deeds that help people to overcome. Love will and does prevail, the love beyond measure that can go beyond endurance. Jesus spoke of the feminine wisdom and that wisdom would be proven right in the last days of the end times. 

And what the LORD asks for from the trustfully loyal, he gets. As his Son told his faithful followers to always do the will of the heavenly Father. Let your hearts be compelled by love, arise to every challenge to help people to move beyond their comprehension, for divine love in manifestation really does exist in the heavenly realms. 

So I say to all - ask yourselves, how charitable, how merciful, how much compassionate action did you take to help others that required it, when they required it? For those that have done the will of the heavenly Father in their community, they were given a new name as the biblical prophecy of Prophet Isaiah foretold, they were given the new name of 'Gay'. 

The community around the world have been showered with love, compassionate action and mercy, for generations, and when the love is poured out upon a community who can stop the will of the heavenly Father? For truly, they have a reason for being, to help bring forth the unconditional love, to inspire their collective existence to go higher in the state of being love. 

They self-regulate their own communities, in the same way that the spiritual community self-regulate their communities. They call each out when they have to, they come together to support each other when they have to, the unity unfolds like their hearts when they are are united in the power of love. 

Love cannot remain hidden, even when they are disciplined by the love, self-development has taught souls to fly divinely, as it was the will of the LORD for it to be so. As Jesus, the Son of God spoke of it, 'You don't require a visa to fly into heaven'. Profound words.

All you require is the power of real love in your hearts and the deeds to match it. 

So may God bless their prayers and respond to their prayers, for the community is praying for the people in Orlando, Florida. Does real love have boundaries? Sure it does, and through healing people discover what those boundaries are, although many have done a lot of work on boundaries, many engaged with their own 'inner child' for the evolution of consciousness that sets their souls free.

That is why Jesus supported giving healing to what has become the 'Gay' community. May the Islamic community also heal, for there is much healing work to be done within each soul. It can be a long journey as it unfolds before you when you step on the path of healing, the highway to holiness.

Love is the way to the heavenly realms, teshuah. 

Condolences to everyone in Florida during the intensity of the Grand Cross, may the love being sent to you in pure intention reach your hearts and console what is difficult to accept. There is life after death for those that can accept it and live it truthfully. We know that grace is under pressure, know this, that the Spirit of Grace will prevail, they cannot 'De Pres' Zion, for Zion defends those that are 'oppressed'. 

9th of June, I had a dream of interpreting a dream for an American that included four cows.

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