
Monday 13 June 2016


26th May, 2016, I received the dream and in it the equine man spoke of 'Parkinsons' and there had been a huge downpour of water. There were horses and ponies in the dream and at the time of sharing the dream I gave the Epsom Derby as a specific timeline. Then after that the floods came in Europe.

However, I have also found another link with EPSOM, the G4S corporation won the contract for  services for the NHS in Epsom, England in 2013.

3rd June, 2016, Cassius Clay passed over with Parkinson's on the 'Day of Expression.' He was certainly a man that knew how to express himself, a great communicator.

5th of June, 2016. Planetary mutable Grand Cross with Mercury at the top of it, epic communications was indicated by it in a period of intensity, due to the tension that this mutable GRAND CROSS co-created. Interesting that Cassius Clay left the planet with a grand cross in the month of Ramadan.

Cassius Clay, the boxers original name, and we find that clay was mentioned by the Jewish prophets and Nostradamus in C9.Q12 = 21 = World Card, and the African-American, Cassius Clay was known world wide. In fact he was very much loved in England.

I think that he should have kept his original name, although we are aware that he became a Muslim. I'm sure he liked that being able to have as many women, and children as he liked with different women. Some Islamic men like that and it was one of the reasons that some men transferred to it, as it gave men the choice to have many women. Perhaps that's why he had to return to boxing after he was paid to accept retirement, for financial reasons. As he had many wives and children to support.

However, may Cassius Clay the boxer, rest in peace, he was a great champ for the boxing world.

Its a few years ago now when this video was uploaded and it includes the CLAY PROPHECIES with DIANA and MERCURY.

Diana that means 'Divine, Heavenly', embraced gay people and people with 'AIDS', in the same way that Jesus embraced and told his followers to accept those that are now known as 'gays'. So did the Son of Joseph and his wife. They brought up their children to accept, although we never questioned it anyway.

In the same way that my young son didn't question it when a "gay" man came to stay with us.

Although he was funny when he opened the car door for the 'gay man' to get into the car, and my son referred to him as the Queen. Big smiles.

Prophet Isaiah foretold that they would be given a new name and they were given a new name, GAY. Saudi has been calling for 'gay people to be killed' and Muslims cite biblical teachings to support their 'attack', as they believe the bible supports the Qu'ran. When in fact it depends what you read and whether you are referring to the biblical prophecies or not.

There was also an Islamic cleric from Iran telling people in an Orlando mosque in April 2016, that it was the compassionate thing to do, to give them the 'death sentence'. Goodness gracious me, where is that man's humanity, we are aware that they 'hang teenagers' and men in Iran for being gay.

Nostradamus gave a prophecy about a man wearing a white turban and a man wearing a blue turban. 

The blue turban entered into foix. 
And he will reign less than an evolution of Saturn:
The White Turban King Byzantium heart banished,
Sun, Mars and Mercury near Aquarius. 

Do they even know what compassionate action means? It means to save life, and sometimes a life can be saved by helping a person financially, as we have proven. As Jesus foretold, wisdom will be proven right.

Compassionate action is an active word, and unconditional love is a passive word, when they are intertwined and integrated it is divine love in manifestation on the earth plane. The bible also shares with us that the LORD asked for HESED, and that is the Hebrew word for mercy, although it means a lot more than that, as it embraces, lovingkindness that Jesus and his healers bestow, it also includes charitable giving, as in the spiritual law of giving that Jesus also spoke about, when he spoke of what you give will return to you 30, 60 and 100 fold. It can all be found in his teachings if people have the eyes of light to see it. 

The fact is, you don't hear Muslims mention the Isaiah prophecies, or what Jesus said about the people mentioned in those prophecies. In fact, if Muslims truly knew the biblical prophecies, for the last days of the end times, they would know that it instructs people that don't drink to drink. Obadiah.

Only Muslims don't drink and fast for a month at a time for a 'religious rite'.  

As we know Americans are currently investigating a major incident at a gay club in Orlando, Florida and it appears that there has been some Islamic involvement with a man that worked for G4S. The company was originally American, established in 1954, although it was bought by a Danish company, and they provide security for organisations internationally, including in the UK. I noticed that they also had companies in Pakistan and Indonesia, both countries that Obama has connections with. The American president with a Muslim name and heritage.

Its written that Obama is a Leo, and the Leopard is mentioned in Revelation chapter 13, and the book of Daniel. Sometimes, the Leopard is translated as a Panther, and there is the organisation of 'Black Panthers' in America. In the proverbs it tells you that Obama has two daughters, indeed he does.

In Zephaniah it mentions the prophecy for the last days of the end times, when the Virgin (a woman) would come with 60 just ones, and would stand against the man mentioned in the prophecy.

The people that I met in Florida were fun, although I didn't cook them chicken and dumplings when I cooked for the Americans. She'll be riding six white horses when she comes. Big smiles. Who was the rooster do you remember?

Even the Apostle John was referred to as 'John the Virgin', its about spiritual purity, not sexuality in the context of the healers, mystics and prophets that were trained by Jesus divinely.

Interesting that the Danish company name, means FALCON, and the Falcon is also mentioned in the bible. The falcon was historically the bird of royalty, and monarchy that could afford to hunt with the Falcon, and Arabs like to hunt with their falcons. It would be interesting to know who the major shareholders are of that corporation.

I don't think that Diana liked to hunt, although she did like boats, and I saw a green light of energy in my kitchen last night while I was making a sandwich. Green light tells me that David that passed over is still around me - and he has seen and heard my tears. Once he heard me cry, he never forgot it.

I've explained that tears can be for different reasons, it can be a release of tension in the body, it can also be for purification purposes. For when a person is in the presence of another persons pure tears they can be cleansed by it, do you remember the tears of the woman with Jesus? Yes, she was a healer, an aromatherapist and reflexologist and she gave her tears to Jesus when she sat at his feet before him.

My appetite has been off for the last week, not surprising when this empath sees what is going on in the world. I am highly sensitive to planetary energies, a lot of the Neptune generation are due to the nature of it.

Its that strong Neptunian energy that is majored in the mutable Grand Cross for my generation that has inspired, as been dutiful, and have done our best to help humanity in the best way that we know how to do. Due to the sheer depth and breadth of life experience that the spiritual elders have. I'm in an eight year - so it is bound to be a year of spiritual transformation in my life after this immediate intensity clears.

It was earlier in the year when I was told that I wouldn't be able to move forward until June, I now know the reasons why. Two Greek people were also given the month of June, when they were given the divine message JUNO. No coincidence then that June is also the month of the summer Solstice and more planetary impact in 29 degrees on the 20th of June. 29 degrees is also the numeric of 'Grace Under Pressure' just prior to the EU referendum on the 23rd June.

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