
Sunday 12 June 2016


The Pluto in Scorpio generation that was born in the 80s are very different to their parents that were the Neptune generation. They don't view the world in the same way as their parents did and do.

They were born in a different era, an era where many of their parents were successful. Yet, ,where was the success for the Pluto in Scorpio generation that have suffered hugely in the UK due to the EU and its immigration policy, keeping wages low etc etc. Wages haven't increased in real terms since the late 80s.

Computerised children, with mobile phones, Children that were born in a vast technological timeline, yet, what did that really achieve for those children that saw money coming out of the ATM's easy come, easy go. Debit cards and credit cards, that brought 'shame' upon the children, and debts with a sting in its tail.

The Pluto in Scorpio children have certainly had to learn the hard way, and they're still doing so. Many are non-political, not voting. Yet, they are very politically aware. Torn up their credit cards, a new generation keeping themselves in check, and living within their means.

My view is that it will be another 7-10 years before the Pluto in Scorpio generation really start to make their presence felt in a more outward way. Once they reach their 40s that is often when many people make the changes that they have to make in their lives. To create more positivity in their lives. The maturity of age will certainly be on the side of those people to carry on the humanitarian journey that their parents began. Once they have a lot more life experience under their belt.

The spiritual parents have known that there was a different age to come, in fact, the spiritual have known about it for over 2,000 years. I've always viewed Saturn as the teacher of discipline and with Saturn in Sagittarius the traveller, its also a messenger that shoots the arrows of truth and sometimes those arrows are alight with the flames of fire. As such, a lot is going on in education in all of its realities. My ascendent is in Sagittarius the traveller, hence long distance travel came into my life after the age of 40.

No surprise then that there is a teacher in a prominent position in the British parliament with Jeremy Corbyn that keeps on banging the drum about 'Workers' Rights' when in fact we already had 'Workers Rights' prior to the EU membership. It is an important transit for Corbyn, and the time to really make his presence felt.

However, no matter how far his message reaches there are other factors to be taken into account. There are other teachers, teachers that have taught business disciplines. Teachers that have run their own businesses, teachers that have employed their own staff. Teachers that have trained their staff, and teachers that have travelled to other nations to impart truth to those that required it. For example, teachers in Greece that I was introduced to are very active.

The key words for the Neptune generation are INSPIRATION, DUTY and the COLLECTIVE. No coincidence then that this generation inspired so many people, and were interested in the work of Carl Jung that was published in the UK, with other innovative writers that were published by the same publisher.

It is written that Neptune generation people are often difficult for younger generations to grasp, they're people that are difficult to measure. They are often unseen, working behind the scenes, often viewed as mysterious or an enigma, sometimes hidden from the eyes of the world. It is written that Neptune is not of this earth, its the stuff that dreams are made of, as they help people to make their dreams become a reality in empowering ways.

They can mix the material with the non-material, the spirituality with the cutting edge science, they take humanity to a higher level of being, because Neptune is about higher states of being. These are people that inspired poets, artists, musicians, seers, mystics, and humanitarians.

Neptune has been referred to as the higher octave of Venus, the planet of love. Whereby personal love is transmuted into universal love. Sensitivity is heightened, hence, there is so many empaths amongst the Neptune generation. They have a vision of the perfection of ideals, and it gives a strong urge to merge with something greater than ourselves and to go beyond the mundane. It is the planet of those that achieve the extraordinary during their lifetimes. Extraordinary people do extraordinary things.

So then if you have a person that came with the Neptune generation, if they have a sun sign in Aquarius it can be incredibly powerful. If they also have a strong influence of Mercury with Gemini in their birth chart, then their power usually manifests in communications. If they also have Libra in their chart, it will bring forth the importance for truth, justice and balance. It gives these people the moral compass, and an alignment of their energies with the truth that they convey.

Nigel Farage spoke with tears in his eyes when he spoke about the impact his life as had on his children. Its hard for children to live under the umbrella of such a powerful person as their dad, its hard for children to live up to it. In those circumstances it is often the case that children tend to go the other way. As many of us did as children when we viewed our parents example of perfection.

Perfection can manifest in different ways in different realities in different timelines.

That is why it was so important to the Neptune generation to impart to the Pluto in Scorpio generation to find their uniqueness and happiness within for themselves. Come what may, they have to be able to stand in their own truth, live in equality, and know that they are loved no matter what they choose.

We see the children getting tired and weary in these last days of the end times. We see the children ascending and descending in their lives, just as our parents viewed us. Yet, we remain a stable influence when they require the stability of it. The voice of experience is always standing by to pick them up and save them again. Love is standing by ready to hold their hands once more.

The voice of experience as we see the children making choices, we already know what the outcome will be, before they even take a single step. We have to remain positive, although at the same time it is very important that the spiritual elders stay strong in heart and Spirit for the Pluto in Scorpio children. For they are deep, very, very deep, and they change as swiftly as the tides, and sometimes they don't give humanity a second thought. These children can often find themselves in the desert of their lives, its a very dry time for these children due to the economic restraints.

It is the sober decade, as they are learning that their bodies were not made for 'overindulgence', nor were their bodies made for 'poverty' and going without the essential nutrients. You see how they can swing from one reality to the other in this timeline. They have to learn to walk the middle path.

A very high cost is involved in whatever they would like to do, and their deeds are coming back at them so fast, due to the quickening on the planet. When they are compassionate and take compassionate action, they see how quickly that manifests positive aspects in their lives.

However, if they go against what their souls require of them, very quickly the spiritual law is giving these people a smack in the face, giving them a reality check to wake up!

This is the timeline when the sons have to stay in the sight of wisdom, they have to stay in the sights of their mothers that are spiritual elders. If they don't, the universe gives them a kick, and they don't like receiving it when they do get it.

The Pluto in Scorpio swings from one reality to another, very quickly, like the tides, they're impacted upon by the winds of their peers, and they allow others to influence their moves in life. Its going to take some more time for them and life experience before they will walk the middle path appropriately.

Once they get to their 40s their ascendent signs kick in, and then they have nearly a decade to get on track with their life purpose, what they incarnated for, and what they came to achieve to help humanity in the evolution of consciousness.

My view is that it will be then that they really start to manifest what their parents taught them during their lifetimes on the planet. After the age of 40 a lot of reviewing is done, reviewing life to date, and where a person is going next, and what they would like to do with the rest of their lives on the planet.

Hence, it is after 40 that most people do their soul searching, the willingness to do the self-development required, and to put that into practice. It is also the timeline when the discerning put the effort into self-healing, if they haven't already begun it. Its an age when people decide where they are going for the rest of their lives, and what they would like to do with the rest of their lives in a genuine way.

Pluto in Scorpio children like people who are genuine, real people, kindness and they can be very intense in relationships. Whatever they do, they do it intensely, that is why the computerised technology had such a powerful impact on them.

Many in the UK have lived with the peacefulness with their parents at home, and those children are not content to live any other way, they have to live with the peace that they know in their hearts to be true. The love that many of these children aspired to attain in their personal relationships alluded them, due to what was happening with the collective in their local communities.

Children have had to learn the 'Power of Money' and the influence of that in the life of relationship. Relationships with work, and also in relationship with love. They're having to learn that real love is beyond it, for real love is of the heart that is compelled by love. They've had to look at what motivates them to do what they do, the reasons why they do it, and who is influencing their choices, due to the sheer extent of social engineering that has happened. Whether its people they meet on-line, people that they meet at work, people they meet in education.

Pluto in Scorpio children that are now adults, they don't like to include their parents in their decision making process, even though the parents involved the children in every choice that would impact upon them. The spiritual elders brought forth children in equality, in the sharing of their lives together.

The impact of life choices, and the amount of people their choices impact upon. Its not just about the individual. its not just about the job, or the work, its about community, and how a person can prosper in their communities. How people support each other in community, families, friends, and even new people that come into their lives. I remember my mother was often giving her son, a good talking to about the importance of family, that's the mothers responsibility. It is about support, but most of all, it was about being in existence for each other, to help each other through whatever may come our way.

So the mother of the computerised Pluto in Scorpio child can explain, when I was your age, I could and did decorate, refurbish and renovate a whole house. The child responds, 'I don't do that'. The mother then replies, 'Is that what you will tell your woman when she asks you to do something for her? Will you tell the woman that you love, 'I don't do that!" ? Its up to mothers to give their sons a reality check, as challenge helps people to move beyond their comprehension.

They have to become men that can stand side by side with a strong woman. Strong healthy men have to raise their standards. Complacency will not do, sitting back on their laurels will not do. They have to get off those computers and mobiles, and become men of actions that speak louder than words, and text messages.

If they would like to have what heterosexual men like to have, a woman to love them in relationship, a woman that will do almost anything for the man that they love beyond measure.

They have to start exploring hearts in a very powerful way, if they would like the best, then they have to become the best that they can be, and become the best man for the job of loving a woman that they would like to be their life partner. When a man decides its time to settle with one woman, he has to make sure that he is ready for everything that it will bring into his life; and that he is up for the job and responsibility.

You hear the youngsters talk about the impact immigration has had on their job and financial prospects. What you don't hear them talk about is the impact of immigration on their love lives.

More 'foreign' men, means less women for the Brits. I wonder how long it will take for the penny to drop, that our young men are competing against 'foreigners' for the potential love of their lives?

Its not just competition in the job market, where four out of every five jobs are going to immigrants, its competition for their hearts and nations survival of its history and culture. The 80's children that listened to this music of love, how many did become bodyguards and protectors of women?

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