
Monday 6 June 2016


While bathing today I received a message and the name of 'MARGARET' in Sanskrit it is 'Manjari' and it means PEARL. The name can be found in other languages and includes the French Marguerite, and Latin Margarita from Greek Margarites.

Margaret Rose was quite a gal in the British monarchy, the woman that married a photographer, people with that name tend to be attracted to arty people and locations. The power of a birth name and its influence on your life, such a beautiful woman known as the Windsor 'Wild Child'.

You could call Margaret Rose the bohemian aunt as she very happy in a kaftan.

There was also a Roman Catholic saint with that name and the Church celebrate her on July 17 and 20. Although her historical existence as been questioned. For a person that apparently died at the age 15, the Church do claim that she achieved a lot in the 15 years of life on the planet. As saint Marina she is associated with the sea, and I once knew a Marguerite that lived on a houseboat.

It is written that in England there were over 250 churches in her name St Margaret, one of the most famous being in Westminster, the parish church of the Houses of Parliament. In art historically, she is the equivalent of St George. The Church say that she is one of the 14 holy helpers, and is one of the saints that spoke to Joan of Arc.

Now where did they get the numeric of 14 holy helpers from?

Was it the Essene Gospel of Peace that mentions 14 different angels?

Interesting that the summer solstice is on the 20th of June, a month prior to her feast day, a few days prior to the EU referendum. Its numeric is the 'Day of Appeal', and I've noticed that the appeals have already begun to appear. Its also 29 degrees, and 29 is the numeric of 'Grace Under Pressure'.

What will be your appeal, what would you ask for? Would you ask for help for another when another person is under pressure? Would you do your best to alleviate any pressure that anyone is under?

Who would you help and have some fun with in doing so? If you were to gift someone this month, what would you gift them with? Would you think it through before hand, or would you give it spontaneously?

A lady came and gave me a lovely 'shocking pink' rose today, after I received the 'Margaret' message, great confirmation. Margaret Rose. 'She cried when she read your words, she loves him'.

Its going to be a very tense few weeks, full of action and communications due to the power of the gemini influence. My advice stay calm, relaxed, listen to some meditative and uplifting music. Have some lovely self-nurturing baths, with healing oils, get plenty of sunshine for your Vitamin D, eat the best nutrients that your budget will allow.

Enjoy yourself, the best way that you know how, have some fun, dance, sing, do whatever brings joy to your heart, as a lot is going to be happening in this timeline, and its happening speedily. Major changes are coming to be in my life, its all change again, from eyes and ear tests, to rheumatologist, to GP, to preparing for some surgery in July.

Its all about health and fitness, finances, and resolutions peacefully for yours truly, for how could I do it any other way? Still house clearing, little by little. Making sure that the most urgent matters get dealt with each day. I'm in the mode of don't put off till tomorrow, what you can do today, and that's a good sign and positive move in my life, in this lovely month of June.

Stay in your hearts and keep an eye on what the world of arts is showing you. So for instance I saw a painting today that an astrologer had done for this coming summer solstice. What I saw in her painting was fresh ginger, turmeric, and the fruits of nectarine, peaches, oranges, apricots and golden plums. Juicy fruits!

Food is major now, as more and more people comprehend its impact on their bodies, so have fun with your creative input into your recipes, get cooking, even if is a salad or a smoothie. I had strawberries, mango and passion fruit yoghurt today. I realised today that I am fortunate that I like yoghurt, because some people don't like yoghurt. always remember to count your blessings!


If I could travel for the 20th of June, where would I go? I would go to the seaside and Margaret Rose definitely liked the seaside and boats. I would go to a location were an artist lived, a local artist that was know for her Paddington Bear illustrations.

It makes me smile, as Sophia used to say as we walked along the promenade hand-in-hand, breathe in the sea air, this is living it up. Then after decades of sharing gran's words on the internet, it appears in a corporate rainbow video on life. LIVE IT UP!

The thing is that gran knew there was more than one lifetime, and so did her daughter. In fact, if you can really excel, you will experience more than one lifetime, in a lifetime. The rainbow family of Joseph and the covenant with God.

I just noticed that there is an aga cooker in that music video, and in a recent dream there was an aga cooker in it. Synchronicity indeed!


  1. The call it the 'Art of Happiness', does it go far enough?

  2. King's College London Conspiracy, how they plan to increase the drugs.
