
Monday 6 June 2016

The Answer - Joss Stone

A great song for those that are looking to make a breakthrough with their 'Spiritual Warrior' within to experience the memories of the 'past lives' when those people have been 'Spiritual Warriors'. It is very powerful work to find the 'mysterious wounds' on the quest of the Holy Grail, usually three. It was over a decade ago that the treasure for this specific healing work was given. Naturally, it was given to a person that had trained in past life work, and taught it, due the impact of the 'Warrior' on so many peoples lives. 

Remember the words of the grail, 'What ails thee?'. 

Directing, producing, and orchestrating what you see.

The healing work can take you to many different cultures, and people often reincarnate in countries where they seek justice to be done due to the 'wheel of karma' turning again. This month is the timeline of the planetary GRAND CROSS so it is a great time to do some holy grail work. The power of love is magnanimous, and beyond measure, it is the power of love that helps people to overcome and be victorious. 

Russell Means Mandala 

Remember that no-one can take your peace unless you let them. No-one can take your inner strength, power and authority, unless you give it to others willingly. No matter what happens, it is up to you, stay true to the Spirit, and the freedom that the Spirit endows. Stay trustfully loyal to your quest, stay true to your vision, dream and mission. 

Stay true to your true nature, and release everything that no longer serves you. Bring the best forth with you, and leave the rest behind you, for only those that live the Spirit and are truly divinely guided, know the spiritual truth. There are many gateways to the heart, and the heart has the eyes to see, when you have reached the holy of holies within you in the purest of intentions and the utmost attention. 

Joss Stone is a singer from England, and I found her yesterday in a documentary on Diana's son, Harry and his charitable work in Africa with children. The documentary shared that she became an ambassador for his charity to help the children, and he has raised a lot of money to help those children. In Africa, there are many palaces, there are also many slums, just like there are in every country on the world. In every country of the world there are rich people, wealth, and people that just 'don't care'. However, there are also charitable, compassionate people who care fully all over the globe and they are seriously taking action. 

In the documentary, it shared how Harry was interested in the military from a baby, how out of the two brothers, he was the 'Warrior', so there is also a vision quest for Harry to do. 

I read today, that Australia is flooding, and Australia was forewarned about it nearly two decades ago,  when I was blessed to walk along the northern beaches. I did take the treasure to Australia with me, and there was certainly a lot of interest in the healing work. Exactly, as my astrocatography chart had indicated, there was publishing success in Sydney, it was a special year in my life. 

While I was in Australia, I found where I had slept, where I had cooked, and lived in my indigenous life in that country. I also experienced the past life spontaneously. I saw who put spears in my back as I was leaving that location with my family. Some 'spiritual warriors' thought that if they 'killed' someone that they could take the spiritual power of that person. No, for the Spirit lives on, and comes back again to confront the person that took their life and in my case it was confronted 'non-violently'. 

I also found my child from that past life, that had already arrived in to our lives in the UK, the three-way connection and what transpired was fascinating. How we originally met, in the same location at the same time during the weekend of Diana's funeral. It was the festival of 'Healing Arts' that was held at the same time, organised prior to her passing over. Two powerful events that happened in London at the same time. Powerful connections at a sobering time, as we drove through the streets of London that were silent. 

Yes, forgiveness was involved from many lifetimes experiences. The power of love overcomes and is victorious. Diana's compassionate power can never be taken from her, her Spirit and memory lives on in the hearts of her sons, and the people of the nations that loved her for her charitable actions. Her talent manifested a huge return in the nation, in the most wonderful spiritual ways. 

I like the way that Joss included her parents and brother in that music video of her song, 'The Answer', its not just about the words, its about what you see, the actions and who was involved in those actions, did you get the message of the ages for the generations? Did you receive the treasure of what was being pictured in technicolour before your very eyes? What did you hear and what message did you gain from it? 

Harry has a great friend in Joss doesn't he?

The 90 year old veterans told him to put a tie on, the different generations.

The documentary also shared that there are two different sides to Harry, the 'military' man and the man that is attracted to the Bohemians FREE SPIRIT, such a contrast.

The thing is how many free Spirits would wish to live in a palace with everything that the state brings into their lives?

The remembrance of what happened to his mother can never be forgotten, and it is a reminder of what has happened to many spiritual people that were free Spirits. Jesus was also a free Spirit that could not be contained, nor forgotten, due to everything that he did to help those that were brought into his life. Interesting that after dad passed over, he said, 'Forget-me-not'.

Did you bring up your children to be free Spirits?

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