
Tuesday 7 June 2016

King's College Conspiracy

Scientists at Kings College, London must be involved in a conspiracy, because who in their heart of integrity would recommend such a thing as they do.

If you read about it you will see that they plan to test people for inflammation, so that they can give people what they call a more 'aggressive therapy from the outset'. Why they call pharmaceutical drugs for 'depression' therapy, I have no idea, who came up with that marketing strategy to sell more and stronger drugs? Basically, the medics know that some of their 'anti-depressants' don't work.

Why do I say conspiracy? Read the scriptures and it tells you why. So they would like the people to take more stronger drugs, in addition to more CBT. CBT, you know that American therapy that came from Aaron Beck, in Philadelphia, CBT that work for DWP, along with the American company Maximus. Along with the American that was given the top job in the NHS. Seriously, if the NHS carries on like it is, our NHS will end up like America's healthcare system, and the health of our nation will be as dire as it is in America.

I was reading about a case yesterday whereby it took ten years for a young American woman to get an accurate diagnosis of a physical condition.

I suggest that all those scientists and doctors that work at Kings College read the work of Carl Jung and what he had to say about the 'mental health' profession and their 'labels.' Carl definitely had it sussed, and he found many of his answers in the scriptures from different cultures. Which is why he concentrated on consciousness, the rite of passage, and did a lot of work to help people to pass some of the initiations that they were facing.

Of course they could also watch the documentary, 'Psychiatry, the industry of death', its many years ago now since I sent a copy of it to my MP. Interesting that after he said he watched it, and sent it back, it never actually arrived, all I got back was an opened padded envelope.

Someone must have taken that CD, I hope that they enjoyed it! Of course, we could also send our MP's a copy of Dr Peter Breggin's work, and Dr Bruce Lipton's work. The work of Dr Ursula Anderson is great too!

So check out the conspiracy written in the bible, for truly it can be verified. Check out the conspiracy that relates to the 'Mind' and 'Inflammation' then see if you can convince me that its not a conspiracy, I am happy to discuss and debate what King's College are proposing and how it relates to bible prophecy.

We have Prophet Isaiah that advised his followers to be discerning where conspiracies were concerned, to know what is a conspiracy and what is not.

We have Jesus that spoke of the words of Prophet Isaiah and they were both into self-development and healing. Jesus did his utmost to counteract the 'health conspiracy', by training his followers to become healers so that they could heal the people. Hence there was a huge and massive explosion in complimentary medicine and healing.

King's College scientists refer to increasing the drug dosage as 'Aggressive Therapy'. Pray tell me when did a drug become a therapy? Do they even know what the word means? What does the word 'Aggressive' have to do with the word 'Therapeutic'? Aren't those two words in opposition to each other? Seriously, would you swallow something that was 'aggressive', surely not.

Many patients have discovered that the 'inflammation drugs', have caused more harm than good. Same with some of the 'anti-biotics', and 'pain-killers', and some doctors even admit that some of the 'anti-depressants' don't work, yet, King's College is planning to increase the dosage.

Its a very 'Aggressive' approach to therapeutic healthcare from King's College, London isn't it?

Do you listen to 'Aggressive' music or 'Therapeutic' music? Do you eat 'Aggressive' food for your body, or 'Therapeutic' food for your body?

So who is paying King's College to do the research, who is funding it, clearly, the people that will gain from their research are the pharmaceutical companies! There's no money in helping people to get better is there when DWP are pushing people to take drugs and accept the CBT American regime.

Real professionals stand against CBT and their so-called stats, in fact, there was an incredible conference held where academic health professionals from Europe and America shared the facts about CBT and what they do.

I also carried out my own investigations into CBT, and brought into the light of day, what people had to see in respect of the sheer number of organisations that were behind it, and involved in it.

Many true healers are skint, because true healers put the peoples health first therapeutically, in the same way that Jesus did, our clients got better, and life was extended, another reason why Jesus asked for his healers to be funded to help the poor.

We have the GRAND CROSS planetary wise, and also have the forthcoming summer solstice on June 20, God bless our miracle workers.

Major communications with Mercury, so no surprise that I have received an 'Aggressive' letter from the NHS Business Services Authority today, they shall receive a righteous response from my legal team, as I have the moon under my feet. Zion defends, and as the bible shares with you, salvation is at the gates of Zion.

A heavenly celestial court really does exist, and although grace is under pressure, what's new or different about the numerics of 29 degrees?  They shall not be allowed to 'De Press' Zion, as an epic response is coming their way.

Remember this that Saturn is the teacher, and Saturn is in Sagittarius, my ascendent sign, the work of this spiritual teacher and elder has travelled further and wider than most people realise. Sometimes it even surprises yours truly.

Tzadikim was hidden for a long time, although righteous love and its zealous compassionate action could not remain hidden due to the discipline that is required, to help the people to overcome and be victorious. The power of love and could not remain hidden, it had to seen, felt and heard.

I have Venus in Pisces such a gentle and tender sign that Pisces, always giving, no coincidence then that Jesus spoke of the spiritual law in terms of charitable giving as a way to help people to make a breakthrough, can DWP live up to the high standard of equality for all of our people?

Surely, Kings College and CBT can't, and the biblical prophecies predicted that the kings and princes would not be able to meet the high standard in this timeline due to it being unsurpassed. What do Kings College or Princes in the UK know about the initiations on the rite of passage?

Do they know about the meridians and how the teeth are connected to the organs and other systems in the body?

Extraordinary people do extraordinary things to help the people to heal their health conditions without 'pharmaceutical drugs.' 

I remember the day when I did some remote healing with a woman because she was in so much pain she was unable to move. After the remote Reiki healing that was given freely, she shared how much her pain had decreased, after that she was able to come to see me for an intense breakthrough to be received.

As a friend said, 'What you did for that woman was priceless'. You can't put a price on miracles. The biblical prophecy predicted the Spirit and the Bride said, COME, and it was made possible for her to do so. Miracles really do and can happen, and you can be sure that the healers that testify to the miracles, the Son of God is with them.

'The Spirit and the Bride say Come, and let the one who hears say come. Let the one who is thirsty come, and let the one that wishes to take the free gift of the water of life" Rev 22:17 How many people were involved, do you know?

Listen Kings College, 'The Sovereign LORD is my strength. He makes my feet like the feet of the deer. He enables me to tread on the heights. For the director of music, on my stringed instruments'. Hab 3:19

What instrument was the Son of God, do you know? What instrument am I, do you know? How many instruments did the prophecy say would come, do you know?

1 comment:

  1. They call it the 'Art of Happiness', does it go far enough?
